We have been in Wisconsin 16 years and have never seen winter weather in April like we have this year!
Yesterday brought a huge snow storm – with white out conditions.
We could not even see the sky line for most of the day!
Blake took this photo as he came down our road on his way home from work in the evening.
That little blur up ahead is Twin Oaks!
Of course the snow storm gave us lots of beautiful visitors at our bird restaurant!
Are you tired of bird photos yet?!
We have friends staying with us this week, and we had a big day of fun yesterday that wore two little people out.
We also found lots of snowy day things to do – like making cookies and making play doh!
It is a beautiful sunny day today, and is supposed to warm up a bit!
I bet this winter wonderland won’t stick around long.
We sure can’t deny it’s beauty!!
The Heavens Declare the Glory of the Lord!!