
At the end of July I decided to take a break from Instagram for awhile.

I am only starting this post with these words because this break played a huge part in how many photos I took in the month of August!

Let’s get to it – sharing the few memories caught in time with a photo!

We started August with a trip to UW Madison with Tate to see his Orthopedic Surgeon.

It went GREAT.

We were released from this doctor, saying we could come back in a year if we had questions, or obviously if there are changes in Tate’s health that warrant a need.

Goodness – we are elated with that news!!!!

We made the most of the day in Madison by having treats, lunch, and even doing a big grocery run to Costco.

Nothing better than a good Costco grocery run!

It is so fun to be in the kitchen when there are so many options for food prep.

Costco avocados are the BEST, by the way, and we are avocado experts because we eat so many of them!

I feel like we hardly used our pool at all this year.

Blake and I are having conversations about what that looks like going forward, because it is expensive to maintain it, and to run the pump and the heater.

We did still enjoy the pool on the days we used it though!

August brought drier weather and some very nice days.

I have just a few photos of food from August, but I promise you we ate just as good as we always do!

We finally have some fall temperatures here this week, so soup is on the menu.

But I think I will miss all of the grilled food we had this summer!

Our front landscape was so incredibly beautiful this year!

We plan to split it all in the spring and landscape around my in-laws new home.

These plants need split anyway as they are getting too big!

Everything was so very green in our area this summer thanks to plenty of rain.

It was beautiful!!

We have fought Japanese beetles in our gardens and then our trees for several years now.

When July came and went and they were not here yet, I thought we were spared!!


The calendar changed to August, and almost like they had an invitation for that day, here they were.

Chewing everything to bits!!

Blake sprayed our tree because we think they were killing it – I don’t want to know what he sprayed out there.

We used some organic products on the gardens instead of putting up beetle bags like years past, and it really helped keep them at bay.

My health trial put me in bed for four days in August.

I missed a very, very important trip to Illinois and a very important wedding and cried my eyes out over it all, just saying!

We all were SO GRATEFUL that it was short lived.

God has been so very kind to me on my health journey all these years!!

My hope is that He will always receive the Glory for it all.

One beautiful evening in August I had made dessert after dinner.

I said, “I wish Addie and Scottie were here to enjoy this with us!”

To which Blake said, “Let’s GO! We will take it to them to enjoy!”

Which is exactly what we did!!

I had my granddaughters for an afternoon in August – THIS IS A FAVORITE KIND OF DAY!!

They are a BLAST!!

Kayla and I were wondering about Ms. Saige Grace and whether or not she would leave her mama to spend the day with me.

Well, that little cutie jumped in my arms and put her hand up to tell Kayla to go away, ha, ha!!

I loaded her into the van with the others and she was yelling “bye, bye bye!!!!” as we drove away.

What a fun day we had!!

We took a trip to Illinois and Indy in August too.

We enjoyed all of our normal “traditions” of that trip, but especially enjoyed a grilled meal that my brother made for us!

We also had Jazzy along for the first time.

She did GREAT!!

The kids enjoyed the hotel pool, even though it had just been completely redone and they could not run the heater in it yet.

Crazy kids!!


Grateful for another wonderful trip!!

We have plans to make this trip again at the beginning of November!

In an effort to have some summer like living here, we had an impromptu fire one night!

The kids loved it, but we did not stay out too late.

The moon was FULL that night and so very beautiful!!

A photo would never do it justice!!

We got to celebrate Grant and Addie at the end of August!!

They have always shared a birthday celebration their whole lives and it is very sweet to say they still are.

We crammed that cake with candles and sang to them!!

The sky lady still did grab a few photos of the sky in August!!

Do you love the sky?

Do you take time to look at it?


You should!!!

It is a GIFT!!!

A few more random photos for this post!!

I am so glad to have them!

Everyday life is the BEST thing to capture!!

Well, that was fun!!!

I love looking back in time!!

Just checking to see if you all know that it is October???

Didn’t we just have two weddings??

Crazy thing called time!!

I hope your October is off to a great start!!

Next up is a recap of September – stay tuned!!!

We Have a Teenager in the House!!

It’s true.

Tate Owen is 13 years old.


Do you all remember when he was four years old and just home from China???

Me too.

It goes so fast!

We celebrated Tate’s birthday during one of our Sunday family get togethers, but had our get together at dinner this time.

Tate requested Jap Chae for our meal – it is a crowd pleaser for sure!

Birthdays are always more fun with a crowd!!

I love how Tate’s nieces and nephews love to help him with his gifts.

I have no idea what was going on in this next photo, but let’s just say it’s pretty typical stuff, ha, ha!

And you have to love our little photo bomber Mr. River – he is the life of any party!!

It was time for a new bike for Tate this year.

His birthday being at the end of summer wasn’t an ideal time for a new bike, but I think he was excited anyway!!

He will be able to use his new bike for years to come, I am sure.

I made Tate’s birthday cake.

I know.


But Addie frosted it for me and decorated it a bit too!

It was gone so fast that no one cared, right?

We spent the rest of that Sunday evening being together (MY FAVORITE THING!), playing games, sipping coffee, eating cake and snacks, and enjoying our time immensely.

Wow, it feels like a year ago already that we had Tate’s birthday celebration!

He is one AWESOME thirteen year old, as I am sure you already know.

Such a GEM!!!

What a privilege that the Lord allowed us to be Tate’s forevermore.

We are not worthy of such a gift!!!


Happy, happy birthday, Tater Tot!!!

More of July

July brought many more good things, although we could not top that wedding!!!

As I look back at these photos and also remember how sick I was in July – I realize that photos don’t really convey the FULL picture, do they?

As you look at these snippets of time you would probably think everything was wonderful, beautiful, easy, organized, smooth, and lovely!!

And it was mostly that way – but there was also a lot of time where I was really struggling to keep up.

I did find myself longing for structure, even though it took everything I had to stand up each morning!

It has been awhile since I have included food photos in a post!

It looks like we ate well in July!!

I love looking back on these photos to get inspired and remember some of the yummier things we have made!

Lane got his driver’s permit in July!

Why do they grow up so fast??

He is driving with Blake currently, but will start behind the wheel with the instructor soon!

The day after the wedding was a little nuts!

We had A LOT of cleaning up to do!!

And we also helped Eliza move into Addie’s old room!

It was a full day for sure, but we enjoyed being together and also having my brother’s help in the morning before he drove back home to Indy.

He helped me take all of the gifts to Scottie and Addie’s new place!

Before we picked up Jazzy in July, we needed to get a few things for her.

We also grabbed some grocery that morning – it was fun to have my crew help me!

Of course the boys got hungry before we headed home, so I let them get some Chipotle.

We had a lot of fun outside in the evenings this summer.

Pickleball is a new favorite – but isn’t it with everyone??

We also took the kids to the farmer’s market one Saturday morning.

Family Sundays are always better outside too – especially when we can swim and play in the water!

Love spending time outside and with these crazy kids of ours!!

We had our church’s baptisms in our pool again this year.

It was SUPER DUPER special though, because Eliza was baptized by Blake and our Pastor!

What a sweet day for us.

Before Scottie and Addie arrived home from their honeymoon, we filled their house and fridge with grocery!

That was really fun!

We also had our first get together at their place once they arrived home and watched them open their wedding gifts.

What a special time!!

They are so blessed with all they received!!


We still love books here!

Summer, winter, spring and fall.

We love books in all seasons, and I am glad we do!!


It’s me.

The sky lady.

I am glad to see that while I was ill this summer it did not take away my love of the sky!

Goodness, is there anything more beautiful??

It has been really wonderful watching my in-laws home come together.

We watched the outside of their house be completed way back in July.

The move starts next week already!

We CANNOT WAIT to have them here – it is such a privilege – and a dream come true for us!!

As you can imagine, I have been busy as of late with all things related to their move!

We are amazed at how smoothly things have gone and are very thankful for all the Lord has already allowed.

I have so many plans swirling around in my head that we will get to do with my in-laws once they are here!!

First up, I have to catch-up my little scrapbook here by posting about August and September!!

Where has time gone??

That will be next!

Stay tuned!!

First Day of School 2024

Life looks so different lately.

I am sure you already know that if you have been following along here!

School looks a bit different too.

I decided after Scottie and Addie’s wedding that it would be a good thing to get a bit of school going with my three still here at home.

It was a good idea!

I spent literally one entire day in the office getting everything ready!!

That was the last Monday of July and then we started our first day of school the next morning, on Tuesday, July 30th.

Our school days have been hit or miss since then until after Labor Day.

But I am SO glad we got going – especially because the children (and myself too!) really thrive with structure in our days!

I did manage to remember to take photos of the children on the first day, even though our other traditions did not happen this year like they have in the past.

The children have mostly out grown those traditions – but I loved doing them!!

Just look at my line-up for this year!!

Lane Steven – 16 years old – 11th grade

Yes, Lane is in a competition to see if he can be the winning giant of this family.

Chad is 6’4″, but Lane is not far behind him!!

Next up is Tate Owen – 13 years old – 7th grade

Tate’s voice is deep these days and he is an amazing teenager.

He loves school – but they all do, actually!!

Next is Eliza Claire – 12 years old – 7th grade

Eliza LOVES loves loves school – she loves everything pencils, paper, and creativity!!

They are all such great and easy students!!

We have a lot of fun together!

I decided to go through this book again this year for our Bible time.

We never finished the whole thing anyway, so I started it a few lessons in.

Highly recommend this book!

This year all three children are using Teaching Textbooks for Math.

I am an old lady trying to catch up with the times here!

This, so far, has been a wonderful switch for Tate and Eliza!

Lane had already been using this Math program for a few years and is continuing it as well.

We needed two new devices to be able to have more on-line school work, and so Tate and Eliza got tablets for their school.

Lane still likes to work in the office where it is more quiet.

He uses our computer back there.

He is taking Pre-Calculus this year through Teaching Textbooks.

I am glad I don’t have to try to teach him that!!

He also is doing History classes through Hillsdale College and those are on-line as well.

Lane works on his grammar, typing class, and health class on his own as well.

Lane and I are doing his Science class together at his request.

Let’s just say he explains a lot of it to me, and he has a solid A grade in this course so far!

Blake is running Lane’s STEM studies – which is probably the biggest part of his school – and completely hands on.

It will, Lord willing, be a good year for Lane!!

I still love to read aloud to the children, and Tate and Eliza are still enjoying that, so I do!!

We just finished this book and it was a very good one.

Tate and Eliza work on their math, vocabulary, grammar, science, foreign language, typing and cursive practice on their own.

Eliza is still taking piano lessons and about to have an assessment to move up to the highest level they currently offer!

We are talking about adding in violin for both Tate and Eliza – but I told the children we needed to get their grandparents moved here first before we start.

I have both Tate and Eliza in the kitchen everyday these days – and they are getting to be quite skilled in cooking and baking!

Eliza is also going to be my helper as I continue to serve in our Women’s Ministry at church.

I think they will have a great year too!!

We are now fully into our school year and we are all enjoying being back to a rhythm!

Even though we are still having summer weather here!

What a privilege to be able to teach these kiddos of ours!!!

School year 2024-2025 – let’s do this!!!