A Closed Door

I just posted this to Instagram a few minutes ago –

SO….well then. This is the current state of our home. πŸ™ˆ And the buyers have walked away. Yep. But here’s the thing. Because we love the Lord, we believe closed doors are protection and direction. πŸ™ So we are humbled and thankful! And we are living in this big ole farm house with A LOT less stuff. #imighthavesoldalotoffurniture πŸ˜‚ We hope to get our deposit back on the rental duplex we secured, and start back at square one! We said all along – nothing is done until it is done. It is true. #thankyouJesusfordirection #Godwritesthebeststories #trustinHim #adoniacresfamilyfarm #somuchtobethankfulfor


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