It has been snowing most of the day.
And I am SO happy about that!
We needed this cozy snowy day at home very much.
Snow seems to slow the world down, doesn’t it?
After a big breakfast and listening to a sermon together, we have had a wonderful day of all things winter!
Putting up our Christmas tree!
Trying to stay warm!
Baking and baking some more!
Reading out loud to some cute little people – my favorite thing to do!
There has been some pups to love on.
Some littles playing nicley.
Coffee and hot cocoa sipping! I just made hot cocoa mix yesterday!
After I took that photo, I turned to see this milk thief. He drinks milk all day long!
Tomorrow it is back to reality, but in the meantime, I think we will soak up this cozy snowy day for all it’s worth!
We have a movie picked out for once the littles are in bed…and I can smell the popcorn already!!
Hope you all had a great day too!!