A Doctor’s Appointment

A week ago Blake and I took Eliza to see the eye doctor.

Eliza had been complaining about her right eye, telling me it felt “crusty” inside of it and she was constantly rubbing it.

I looked carefully in her eye, pulling her lower eye lid down and her upper eye lid up to take a good look around.

I was surprised to see a grey spot on the white of her right eye underneath her eye.

Then I looked in her other eye, and there is a grey spot on the white of her eye above her eye.

Then I googled.

Don’t do that – just saying!

When I called the eye doctor to make an appointment, they asked why I was wanting her to be seen so I told them what I saw in her eyes.

They had us come right over.

Eliza thought an outing with Mom AND Dad was a pretty good deal!!

She insisted on bringing her school work with her in the van.

We saw a resident in the Gundersen Ophthalmology department.

He did not seem too worried about these grey spots, saying that people of Asian descent can be prone to discoloration on the whites of their eyes.

He also said that her eyes might be bothering her due to allergies, and told us of several over-the-counter eye drops we could try.

That was all good news!

I still will wonder about these grey spots just a little bit though, as they can be caused by a connected tissue disorder, which is something Eliza was checked for by a geneticist when she arrived home from China.

For now, we will rest in this resident’s diagnosis and pray and hope it is so!

Eliza did GREAT at her appointment!!

We stopped at the Coop on the way back home and got some treats!

Eliza picked chips and I picked this –

I do have medical journals that I keep for both Tate and Eliza to keep track of all of their appointments and everything that is said at those appointments.

But…I have looked back at posts here on the blog or on Instagram many times to refresh my memory of what happened at certain appointments!

It is hard to keep track of it all!

We have more appointments for our two cherubs coming up this week.

We will be doing their check-ups with neurosurgery and urology different this time because of COVID, but we are hopeful that it will all go well and be enough for now!

We are SO thankful for their health and stability!!

It will be great to check these upcoming appointments off our list just the same!!