Our Lane Stevan turned 15 years old on April 2nd!!
And our Kayla Lauren turned 30 years old on April 8th!!
Lane requested fish tacos with all the fixings, fruit salad, zucchini bread, and chocolate cake with chocolate frosting for dessert!
We were SUPER glad to oblige to that delicious spread!
Tate helped with the food, and it was all hands on deck to wrap the gifts.
We made a super yummy radish salsa to go with those fish tacos and I want to remember to make it again!
In these next photos, please notice River’s face throughout, ha, ha!
Also pay attention to the card that Aspen picked out of her Mama’s card stash and gave to Lane.
SO funny!!!
We surprised Lane this year with a brand new bike!!
What a joy to be able to get him something he will enjoy so much.
There were also gifts for Kayla!!
Some pretty things for her kitchen from Magnolia!
You have different dreams when you are thirty, am I right?
I made Kayla tell me what kind of dessert she (and the baby!) wanted for her birthday.
She finally said cheesecake!!
Addie Mae was happy to make all the birthday desserts, as always!!
We sang the most out of tune Happy Birthday song yet, and then enjoyed watching Lane try to blow out his trick candles!
What a GREAT way to spend a Saturday evening!!
It is so much fun to plan and celebrate someone’s birthday!
I hope we always keep these simple traditions alive!!
Lane Stevan, as I reflect on the day you were born, I remember one of the sweetest seasons of our life.
You are such a wonderful young man, and it is pure joy to watch you develop your interests as you continue to grow up.
Keep your eyes on the Lord, precious boy!!
He will guide the way!!
Kayla Lauren, yes, you are my daughter, but more than that you are one of my very best friends.
My twenty-something self never could have guessed how much sweeter each year with you would be.
You inspire me, encourage me, share your babies with me, AND I TREASURE YOU.
Continue on with the Lord as your help!!
You and David are building an amazing life for your family!
Lane Stevan and Kayla Lauren, Happy, happy birthday!!!