We have been very thankful, since moving to Wisconsin 20 years ago, to have good insurance for the dentist.
We are blessed with free cleanings every six months!
We had mostly happy teeth that day back in November, except for our sweet girl Eliza.
The dentist said that three baby teeth in Eliza’s lower mouth needed to be pulled because of decay.
It was not a happy or easy day.
Because of the need for some kind of sedation for Eliza to be able to handle having this done, we headed back to the pediatric dentist we have used before for more serious work.
Thankfully that second opinion was much different than the first!
Pulling those three teeth would have required Eliza to need orthodontic work to hold the space in her lower mouth for several years until her permanent teeth grew in.
This dentist saw nothing wrong with one of the teeth, said the second one just needed a filling, and that the one with the most decay he could put a crown on.
We agreed with him that the actual tooth is the BEST holder of space in Eliza’s mouth!
After our initial consult with the pediatric dentist, I called the orthodontist and cancelled those appointments, and we set an appointment to have the work done.
On a Monday afternoon in January Eliza and I headed to the pediatric dentist.
Blake was not allowed to be with us – only one parent was allowed in.
That is not our usual way, but it is what we had to do.
We had decided, with the dentist, to just use nitrous oxide this time instead of further sedation.
I am SO glad we did!
I used essential oils (peace & calming and lavender) all day that day to help calm Eliza’s (and my!) nerves.
I also had the sweetest friend (who is a therapist) suggest that we ask to lay an x-ray blanket on Eliza during her appointment, thinking that the weight of the blanket would calm her as well.
We asked.
It DID calm her.
She loved it!
Her appointment went very well and I was able to sit right next to her and hold her hand the entire time.
The dentist looked at me after finishing the crown, because Eliza was crying the entire time, and asked if he should continue on.
I reassured him that this was 100 times better than the last time she had work done, and YES, please finish!
I am SO PROUD of our sweet girl!!
Blake and I had bought her a new lovey on one of our date nights.
I had it hidden in the car and was able to give it to her when we were on our way home.
The whole way home Eliza brain-stormed to think of a name for her new lovey!
Meet Jubilee.
(Kinley, on the left, is the lovey that she had taken with her that day!)
Once we were home, I gave Eliza some ibuprofen, we put her new pajamas on, and she played with paper, pencils and scissors – which is her favorite thing to do!
By the next day she was eating and drinking normally and had no lasting effects from the work done to her teeth.
We are SO thankful for how this went!
I am grateful that the Lord burdened me to be pro-active with Eliza, “walking through” the appointment with her a couple of days before we went!
My friend also taught me that using “stories” (telling Eliza what most likely would happen) would help set Eliza up for success – and it DID!
Our sweet Eliza Claire is brave and strong!
She has come SO far!!
It has been six and a half years and I still can’t believe I get to be Eliza’s Mom!
I’m SO thankful she calls me Mommy!!