We wrote scriptures of our choosing all over the sub floors of the upstairs with Sharpie markers.
A sweet adoptive Mama friend of mine had done this when they were building their new home, and I remembered it!
We all thought it would be a great way to lay a firm foundation at Twin Oaks.
It was such a blessed time!
Lane was SO excited about this, and he worked the hardest and the longest – writing scriptures in the bathrooms and bedrooms too!
Tate and Eliza did not want to be left out, so we drew them some picture to color in.
Everyone had their favorite verses!
Of course, this is one of mine!
David, Kayla and the babies joined us too!!
Pretty soon we started tracing all of the kiddos feet and hands onto the sub floor too!
I purposed some specific verses in areas of our new home where I would spend a lot of time.
Like in front of the kitchen sink and stove!
Walking through and looking at everyone’s handwriting and the Word of God covering our floors did my heart SO GOOD.
It is our desire to always, always base our lives on the foundation of God’s word!
Twin Oaks, we pray that Lord will use you greatly in our lives to reach out to love and serve others!
Beautiful idea!
We agree!
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