A Gorgeous Fall Weekend

Last weekend was SO beautiful!

The weather was warm, blue, and sunny.

I usually start Saturday morning with my apron on – making a big breakfast for everyone and then working on snack food, the salad box, and anything else that needs prepped for the week ahead.

This past Saturday Grant, Addie, and Chad were all at work, but I had my hubby and our trio at home with me!

Our morning started like this – and with an injury – Blake got cut in two places and we spent some time getting some glass out of his finger.


In defense for all Pyrex dishes everywhere, I think this 9×13 glass Pyrex dish was from 1999!

It lasted a looonnnggg time!

This photo is after we had cleaned up the bigger pieces.


After that mess was cleaned up, we all worked together and made lots of good things, including this apple dip!

Addie Mae has been bringing home 10 pound bags of Honey Crisp apples from work!


More so with this yummy dip!

I made a double batch!

I also made lemon bars.


Tate enjoyed helping with these!

On date night Friday night Blake had the idea to have a cook-out and a camp fire on Saturday night since it was going to be such nice weather!

We have our best ideas on date night.

It’s when we can actually think and have a conversation and all!

I made some cook out food, including these Pioneer Woman Cowboy beans.

We filled the afternoon with outside work.

Grant was home after lunch so the boys mowed the land, Blake and I cleared the garden for the year, and Blake also worked on getting the pool ready for winter!

We had some helpers!

And worm searchers!

I love how River thinks BIG and ran to get a shovel – because surely a huge shovel would do a way better job than our hands could!

I caught Eliza snackin’ on some of the yummy rice krispie treats we had made that morning!

It was such a beautiful day!

Tate took my phone and got some photos of the pretty colors!

Pretty soon Chad and Addie were home from work!

It was time to have some fun!

Dinner was fantastic!

Hard work makes food taste extra good!

It cooled off quick last Saturday night, so the fire was welcomed!

We headed inside pretty early to make sure we were in good shape for church Sunday morning!

Chad practiced a bit more for worship team once we were inside.

Both Chad and Addie serve on our church’s worship team – they lead the singing during our church services!

Saturday evening when we saw the weather forecast for Sunday, I messaged Kayla about doing family photos at sunset on Sunday.

Sunday’s weather did not initially turn out like we thought it should!

But it cleared off beautifully in the late afternoon, and it was in the mid 60’s, so we decided to go for it!

We headed into Cashton and walked around that sweet little town looking for some good backdrops.

We might have bribed some little people.

It was only popsicles!

Don’t judge!!

Kayla set us up and used the timer on her camera….and THIS.


You probably cannot see it, but everyone is looking AND smiling!

Those cuties earned their popsicles!!!

It was a wonderful weekend!

It felt a bit like “old” times at the farm!

Where we would all work together all day and then sit around a fire eating, chatting, and grabbing hold of each other’s hearts!

We would head inside that old rambling farm house back at Adoni Acres super late, super dirty, and fall into bed super exhausted in the best kind of way!!

The weather has been unpredictable but beautiful!

We see the sun at some point almost everyday!

Thankful for the simple things like the beauty outside!

Don’t the fall colors remind you of the most amazing creative Lord that we have?

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for the change of seasons!

You are SO good to us!!