A Lot of Life at Home

We have been home a lot.


Which is not really unusual for us!

It’s the weather that is keeping us home these days though.

As beautiful as the cold and snow can be!

A week ago Saturday was nice enough to run to the Co-op for some grocery with a special helper.

He is such a fun special helper!!

We stopped on the way back home to take this photo!

It was such a beautiful day!

Twin Oaks is up ahead – that first clump of trees on the left side of the road.

That Saturday was also filled with things like soaking and cooking beans for the freezer and deep cleaning one of our three fridges!

A week ago Sunday we stayed home from church – for weather and health reasons!

It was a very enjoyable day though!

We listened to a sermon together.

This is how Eliza showed up to the table for our worship time!

Crack me up.

Reminds me of their stretch of time in those elf hats!

We also did a puzzle together that morning.

I need to remember to do this with the kiddos more!

We really enjoyed it.

But we do not have anywhere to leave a puzzle set up!

Small house problems – and Blake and I even had a date night conversation about his and could not find a solution.

That afternoon was filled with quiet activities, including me baking a banana cake!

Remember that brand new Kuerig coffee maker blessing?

It already quit working!

Only lasted six weeks!

Thankfully they stand behind their products and shipped us a brand new one, not even wanting the old one back!

Isn’t there just something so wonderful about a brand new morning?

Besides the cup of coffee, I mean?

My favorite time of the day!

School has been moving along so nicely.

It’s been enjoyable!!!

Here is how one of my students comes to school these days.

She is TOO cute!

We have quick but delicious lunches during our school days.

Leftovers are a huge hit!

I also got to town this past week on a very beautiful day!

I ended up waiting in town for over an hour as I tried to get a prescription filled.

Being me is so fun sometimes!

Apparently doctors are not too fond of refilling your daily medication when they haven’t seen you for almost two years, ha, ha!

I think that is a very good problem to have, don’t you?

I cannot tell you the last time I stopped for a treat of coffee in town – it has been months – so this tasted super yummy even without some added coconut cream from home!

Look at this snow pile in town!

Now I know why Grant is out hauling snow every night!

We also got out to the library this week.

It was wonderful!!

Although I have been ordering quite a few books on-line lately.

Keeping these kiddos in quality chapter books is a full-time job!

Friday is cleaning and grocery day here at Twin Oaks.

I have the absolute cutest helpers in the whole world.

Blake and I had a date night Friday night!

With some birthday shopping to do for our baby!

She is going to be seven years old very soon!

I usually head to town, park somewhere and wait for my date to meet me.

He is worth waiting for!!

This past weekend, you all.

It rained. Froze. Snowed. And the wind blew so strongly that it turned into blizzard like conditions that closed highways not too far away from Twin Oaks!

We were home Saturday because of the ice.

Saturdays are kitchen days for me usually anyway, and once Blake was home around lunch time he had the boys help him with some projects!

They hung a rod in the boys closet, which made our master walk-in closet so much more roomy!

Is roomy a word?

Grant has been working nights, but we are blessed to see him in the afternoons and evenings.

I know some kiddos who were super glad about that this weekend!

We have also watched some movies to keep us from being too stir crazy.

You look comfy, Tate!

Church was cancelled yesterday and so were our other plans!

Good thing we enjoy this little nest of ours.

Because we do. And big circle days are just the best!

The snow is beautiful!

The wind was CRAZY yesterday, though.

We still had so many birds at our feeder!

Blake helped Chad study for a Science test.

I was thankful for his help while I did other things!

It was such a cozy day at home.

I will end this post with two more photos!

One photo through the window of the sliding glass door (it’s been frozen shut for over a month!).

It was 10:30 p.m. and the moon was FULL.

Isn’t the light amazing?

And last but not least, a photo of our Tate Owen.

His name means “cheerful young warrior”, and it suits him perfectly.

He NEVER EVER says “I can’t do this” even though sometimes his Mama is screaming on the inside because she doesn’t even want him to try!

He is inspiring.

And we are so thankful to call him ours.

Go buddy, go.

Believe it or not, we are not tired of winter yet!

After last year’s snow in mid-April, I think we just know we have a way to go!

I am just hoping that the snow will stay and the temperatures will warm up enough for the children to enjoy it some!

We also are constantly praying for safety for the ones out on the roads.

Grateful, grateful for our little nest Twin Oaks!!

I hope you all are enjoying winter too!!