A Quick Trip

On Saturday we took a quick trip to Illinois to visit family and friends!

It has been MUCH too long since we have been there.

We made an early start and left home at 5 a.m.

Once the sun rose around 7 a.m., I took this photo!

It is very blurry because we were on a very bumpy road, but I love it anyway!

We found all kinds of things to do on the five hour drive, including spending some time in God’s Word.

Our first stop was to see a dear friend of mine!

It was so wonderful to spend some time with Melody and her husband Steve!

Our next stop was to see the kiddos grandparents!

Blake’s Dad and his wife Lilli.

It was wonderful to be with them and we all left a piece of our hearts there as we drove away.

By this time it was mid afternoon and we were hungry!

We used our phones to find a Chipotle and headed there for some take out lunch.

As we drove from Peoria to Morton we got to show the kids some things from when we used to live in Illinois – like where Addie Mae was born!

We headed to Blake’s Mom’s house for our last visit.

It was SO good to be there!!

We did drive around Morton for a bit to show the kids around!

We showed them our first home, and our last home there!

This tiny little nest was the home that we bought six or seven months after we were married way back in 1989!

It looked exactly the same!

We were thankful the Starbucks was still in the Kroger grocery store and that it was open!

We all got coffee (and apple juice for Tate and Eliza!) and hit the road to head back home.

We got to experience an Illinois sunset on our way out of town.

Yesterday was a quiet day of church and rest at home after that long day on Saturday!

I made some yummy nourishing meals too!

It’s freezing cold, literally, here at Twin Oaks now.

I am thankful we were able to make the trip to Illinois before the snow starts flying!

It is so wonderful to visit, so hard to leave, and we always, always wish we lived closer to our family.

It is hard to be so far away from all of our family!

Here’s hoping we can see everyone again very soon!