A Trip to Mexico and Other Stuff

Did that title get your attention?

We have taken a trip to Mexico the last two weeks – through books, videos, and projects in school!

It has been super fun and we have all learned a lot.

We studied deserts and the plant and animal life that lives in them!

I seriously tried to find some of the fruit from a saguaro cactus – we wanted to taste it so bad!

Last week we painted some sun faces to look like the clay ones that are sold all over Mexico!

We even had Mexican soup!

It got rave reviews!

It really is just taco soup.

We also kept up with the rest of our school schedule!

Our schedule is working smoothly this year!

I so enjoy watching the kiddos study their Bibles.

We work on Bible memory each morning.

Math finds us in all kinds of positions and places.

The Mama of this nest might have given this Math whiz a sucker at 9:30 a.m.

You might as well notice the big bag of chips over there by Lane too – ha, ha!

Read aloud happens in the master bedroom with the door shut because Chad finds it very distracting!

Speaking of Chad, he is enjoying school too!

All of our “other things” are continuing on…date night is still a favorite of mine!

It’s all about ice cream, singing hymns together to and from town, spending time connecting and having a prayer time together too!

Of course food prep continues!

They are still eating!!

Here is one of the many, many reasons I do our grocery run at the crack of dawn!

It was just me and one other crazy lady in the produce section – it’s the best way to shop!

The weather here at Twin Oaks has been all over the place!

We are having warm, Indian summer like days right now – but it has been cold, windy, rainy, and freezing!

We have had several frosts already too.

Sometimes the weather would change by the hour!

I was sitting by the sliding glass door for less than 30 minutes working on the menu plan and took both of these photos.

The frost has made the trees even more beautiful!

Our bird restaurant is open for the season!

Eliza thinks there should be a prize for the one who sees the first cardinal visiting our restaurant!

This happened to Ruby last week too.

She is SO cute!!!

With long or short hair!

Our afternoons are full of all kinds of things – being outside all that we can, but some inside things too.

I am taking a free Word Press class through our library!

Hopefully I will learn something and be able to work all the bugs out of this little blog of ours!

I am also still reading through the Bible chronologically this year.

We just started the New Testament!!

There is always a game going on somewhere before dinner!

And our favorites!!

We love to spend time with our favorites!

Speaking of those cute grand babies, this was our breakfast table Sunday morning!!

I know, I know! Pinch me!

We also had an extra student for school this week.

I love, love, love one-on-one (ish!) time with my grands!

Addie Mae bought me this shirt!

I LOVE it!

These two are not only the same size at almost five and nine years old, but they are also best friends!

Nephew and Uncle!

Don’t worry, he does not let his size deter him!

Tate is an inspiration, I tell ya!!

Look at the photo someone took at church for us on Sunday!!

Be still my heart!

They were standing on the chairs singing!!

I would say that is a great photo to end this post with!

We are headed to Canada this morning!

I will stamp their passports at 10 a.m. – would you all like to come with us?

Well then, stay tuned!

I’m sure there will be a post soon about our time spent learning about Canada!

We learned some Spanish the last two weeks, but now it’s time to learn some French.

Jusqu’à la prochaine fois!!


  1. Tracy says:

    Hey, Steph! I am wearing that exact same shirt right now as I read your blog! Elizabeth spotted it while we were in Illinois and insisted I get it. It has special meaning today as this is Felicity’s 2nd birthday–the little girl who made me a grandma. 🙂 Love, love, love being Grandma!

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