Our Christmas Eve tradition: eating a big spread of hor d’oeuvres and playing games!
Thanks for chopping all the veggies, Grant!
Nori…Eliza LOVED this!! It was spicy!!
Fruit salsa! Super yummy!
Stuffed mushrooms, and bacon wrapped dates!! Delicious! We had lots of other yummy things too. We have SO much fun making the menu for our Christmas Eve celebration! Our plan was to cook once, and eat it twice. We did! It was yummy the second time too!!
A fierce game of Apples to Apples!
Lane and I were a team!
Our Christmas morning tradition: having family Bible time and prayer, cinnamon rolls for breakfast and then opening gifts!
Here is a sleepy girl, who still wakes up in pain every morning, but is making progress and healing well!
Kayla had Tate’s name!! Love this shirt for him!
Lane was SO excited about Christmas….but only because he had Blake’s name and COULD NOT WAIT to give his Daddy his gift! Too sweet for words!!
Addie had Eliza’s name….we are re-gifting the older girls’ American Girl things! Eliza said “Ooohhhh!!!”
Looking good, Grant! Thanks for blessing your Mama by changing out of your chore clothes!
Loved having this sweetest. couple. ever. with us for Christmas Eve and a few hours Christmas morning!! Their support this last month has been an enormous blessing.
David had my name! My favorite cutting board had broken a couple of months ago. Love that I have a new one now!!
Watching Lane and listening to the things he would say was such a JOY!!
Some school and sensory play for Eliza from her Daddy and Mommy!!
Tate’s new water bottle! Can’t stop thinking about our little man!!
Lots of fun things to open from Grandmas!! Finally got a photo of the girl behind the camera!! But where’s Lane?
There he is!!
Blake and I gave the four middles each a new towel, washcloth, and two pillows for their beds. They loved getting things they needed!
Lane tests out his pillow! Good to go, he says!
Be still my heart…..matching pj’s for Tate and Eliza from Blake’s Mom!! Took my breath away! Can’t wait to wear these on them!
Our next celebration included a visit from some awesome friends and fierce prayer warriors! We are SO thankful they made the effort to visit!!
Look, Greg! It’s blogtastic!!!
Trying to have some “normal” here has not been easy. Having the house full of people helped so much with that! Thank you, dear friends, for blessing us with your visit!! We love you all so much!!!
Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas too!! This time of year is full of awe for me. A Savior, sent under the law, as a babe, to then later die so we can have eternal life. Wow. Wow!
“But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law. To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.” Galatians 4:4-5
What an awesome christmas <3
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