We originally thought we would surprise Tate and Eliza by taking them to dinner and then mini golfing, but the weather did not cooperate for the evening that we were planning to go out.
Instead we ate dinner at Chipotle and headed to a place called All Glazed Up to paint some pottery!
It ended up being a MUCH better choice than mini golfing and we had the BEST time together!
When we first arrived, we had to choose the pottery we wanted to paint.
It did not take long for us to choose, but then we had to choose paint colors!
Once we finally got all of that done, we sat for about two hours painting our pieces and chatting away with the two cutest kids on the planet.
The funniest part of the evening was how much Blake got into this project!
He was enjoying it so much and said that he found his new stress reliever activity ha, ha!
He did the best job on his coffee mug and it turned out amazing!
The hard thing about the paint was that the color you saw as you painted your project was not the color that it would end up being.
Once the pieces are fired in the kiln, the colors darken and become very shiny!
After we finished our pottery, we headed to get some ice cream – even though it was very late!
It was cold outside and that ice cream made us turn the heat on in the van!
Blake was able to pick up our finished projects this last week and that was the best part!!
Tate and Eliza have talked about that date night so much since then!
We know Tate’s love language is quality time which made this birthday gift perfect for him!
Thanks for the very special date night Tator B and Zi!!!