I am a stay-at-home Mom who has been married to the love of my life for 36 years now!
I love the Lord with all my heart, and strive to live for Him each day.
We have seven precious children, two amazing sons-in-law, one beautiful daughter-in-law, and seven beautiful grand babies!
We live in the country on a ridge top in SW Wisconsin. I have been homeschooling our children since the fall of 2000.
For many years we had sent out a weekly e-mail update full of photos and the stories of our life to our family and several friends. We prayerfully decided that a blog would better suit this purpose, especially to document our adoption journeys to bring our daughter, Eliza, and our son, Tate, home from China.
It is our prayer that this blog would give glory to the Lord.
I have actually been thinking that this would be a good way for you to communicate! Yay!!!
We love this!
I am so excited!
We will love following with your journey here!
Well, now I am caught up. Here I thought since I hadn’t received updates that you weren’t blogging! I just read every entry! I’m used to Facebook so I found myself wanting to LIKE many photos and make many comments! Ha! That little Eliza is so cute and she will be such a great addition to your wonderful family. My Stevan just said, “Those are great people!” WOW. Pretty nice comment coming from an 18 year old! Miss you all. Hugs and more hugs! Oh, yes, those children of yours all melt my heart! Come spend some of your summer days here! I’ll let you take over the kitchen!
Tell that Stevan that you all are great people too. ;0) Why else would we have given Lane his middle name??!! OOooh…summer days….swimming at your place….SOUNDS GREAT! I will make you some awesome food if I take over the kitchen! Hugs and more hugs back at ya.
I love your blog!!! I’ve been reading, for about a year and I just wondered if you have, or if you will, do a post on the FARM!! I love Farm life, AND China adoption. You are living my dream..haha!! How many cows do you milk? (Assuming Dairy from the gorgeous heifers pictured) Thanks, and Blessing to you!!
Hi Ann – I am living my dream too! ;0) We do not milk – we just raise beef – but we are buying those guys here in dairy land! I am sure now that the weather is warming up there will be lots to post about the farm! Chicks are coming this Thursday! Thanks for reading and blessings to you too!!
Haha…see, no farmer instincts here…thought HE was a SHE…LOL
I am following you sweet friend!!!! Love your blog
Yay!! Love yours too!!
I started following your blog when Eliza joined your family as we too have a daughter from China and your sister mentioned you and your blog to me. Life got away from me this past year and I had not checked your blog in awhile. Today as we drove to WI Dells for vacation I thought of you and checked your blog again. God works in miraculous ways! This past year my husband’s health has been deteriorating (broken vertebrae, osteoporosis, sleep apnea, stomach issues, weight loss, etc) and we were struggling to figure out why. In April he was diagnosed with celiac disease. We begun the uphill journey you describe in your blog. Our biological daughter will be test in mid July as we suspect she has it too. We are in full research mode and he is on a strict all natural diet and still not feeling well. I am going to seek out a functional dr and chiropractor as we feel we are still missing something. I am beyond grateful for your health blog as it has made me realize we are not alone and we have more options to research. Thank you for sharing your health journey!
Christy, Thank you for leaving this comment! It is a great encouragement to me, as well, to know we are not alone. Celiac disease and all that goes with it is a difficult lifelong journey that is hard to explain to those who do not walk the same path. I commit to praying for you all and will do so! Please if you have any specific questions use the email button on the blog – I would be glad to share e-mails, texts or phone calls as you start your journey with this disease. Blessings to you all!
Thank you!