I have had a rather large “after the play” list to tackle!
One Wednesday before the play though, we made cookies to serve after each of the performances!
It filled most of a day, but was super fun, and I think those cookies were enjoyed!
In the midst of all that practice for the play, we continued on with most of our day to day things as best we could!
We managed some school, visiting the library, keeping everyone fed, and Blake and I even snuck one date night in on a Monday night because there was some clothes shopping that needed done!
We have had some illness roll through Twin Oaks too.
I was in bed two full days, and Addie and Chad had it too.
We are SO thankful for how slight this illness has been and how few of us were sick!
Eliza has been writing me notes as of late.
She also has been getting dressed all by herself!!
For those of you who understand severe sensory processing disorder, you understand what a BIG deal this is!!
This day she asked me “do I look good, Mom?”
Always, sweet girl.
Yes, always!
I took Eliza to get her hair trimmed one afternoon.
She is still determined to grow it!
She told me “I want to grow my hair to my spina bifida. Once it reaches my spina bifida, you can cut it some, Mommy!”
So cute!
What she really means is her spinal surgery scar that is on her back!
My grand babies brought me this treat one afternoon!
Their Mama was their driver!
Speaking of those grand babies – Shiloh Valley Farm is my very favorite home away from home!
Addie Mae blessed the boys with a fun day while we were in Madison!
Our neighbors let us pick all the apples off their apples trees.
What a gift!!
My guys picked all of these one of those days I was in bed!
Addie Mae spent the better part of a day putting up all those apples!
Lots of applesauce for the freezer, and several pints of apple butter too.
The boys and I were on the clean-up crew!
Have I ever told you how cute, soft, cuddly and sweet our Ruby Jane is?
I love her!
I love Sadie too!
It’s things like this that I want to remember forever.
How Tate uses a step stool, and then jumps up to rinse his mouth after brushing his teeth.
He is getting bigger!
We just bought him a new car seat because he is FINALLY 40 pounds!!!
The colors around these parts are at peak right now.
Speaking of gorgeous, let’s talk about this afternoon.
Do you sometimes just go through each day not realizing how something is affecting you until it changes?
That’s how we JUST felt – about the weather!
We didn’t realize how much it was affecting our moods until THIS happened this afternoon.
It’s been SO LONG.
Thank you, Jesus for this sunshine!
Well…we are heading into another crazy weekend – but I feel organized, rested (sorta!), and ready!!
And I have “Jesus Messiah” by the Gaither Vocal Band on repeat right now to prepare my heart!!
Here’s hoping this sun will stick around and make our weekend even brighter!!
Hope you all have a great weekend yourselves!
And the sun is shining where ever you are!!