And we look SO forward to each new day!
Especially with a new grand baby!
Why, of course I can start with those photos!
Thanks for asking!
Isn’t she tiny?!
But she’s getting bigger!
Last Wednesday we were headed over to Briar’s place and decided to stop and get a sweet little birthday girl some balloons!
Three balloons to be exact.
Because Ellie was turning three the next day!
The kiddos had fun sledding over there that day.
They have fun sledding everyday!
Ruby is the only one who does not have fun when the kids go sledding!
They hardly ever take her with them!
Funny puppy!
The guys enjoy the outdoors too.
They have been hunting a couple of weekends!
Addie Mae works on Saturday, so that would leave me with these two cuties!
Of course I still had these two cuties too!
I used to be so thankful the guys got to have some time doing something they love!
Then they showed me a photo from a camera that sits on the land they hunt on.
It is a motion sensor camera and takes a photo of any movement by it!
Their trail camera just happens to be 30 feet from where Chad sits when they hunt.
I am not over this yet!!
That’s a bob cat!
Ok, let’s move on.
Thanks to a man I know who for the last 30 years tries to bless me every single day in some way – our bird restaurant is back open for business!
It’s been busy lately!
I love watching those birds so much!
Speaking of things that catch my eye, take a look at what God did!
This just never gets old!
Cold and snow means soup season!!
I can smell that soup by just looking at this photo!
In other food news –
How I love to fill their bellies!
Warm oats and waffle toast for breakfast!
Or an egg in the hole!
Tate’s favorite.
Snack time is a must around these parts.
Baked yam bar and salad, anyone?
Someone has to buy all that food, now don’t they?
Blake has been off every Friday for awhile now, and so Addie Mae has been heading to town with me to run errands!
What a TREAT for me!!
Blake and I have been having sweet date nights lately!
We usually head to town for some sort of errands, but the main goal is just being together and talking about all the things.
There is always lots to talk about – problems to solve, goals to share, and plans to make – in this crazy life of ours!
School is moving along.
Chad told me the other day that school days are his all time favorite.
That blessed my heart SO much!
We start each day with worship!
And then Bible time and prayer!
We spend about an hour “eating the frog” (I stole that from my sweet southern friend!) before we move on to crafts, read aloud (lots of read aloud!), recess, and working together!
There are chores in the morning, after lunch and before dinner too.
Chores are always better when you do them together!
We have also been walking through our advent study.
Add to all of that the preparations for Christmas!
Addie Mae and I had a power hour of planning!!
It was super fun!!
I felt so blessed to be able to send out some love in the form of Christmas cards this year!
This sweet girl blesses me so much too!
Please don’t let me forget how she sits on her feet all the time.
Or how she is a night owl and devours chapter books by the hour – at the age of six.
And how she leaves me notes.
All. The. Time.
“Love is your name Mom.”
Cue all the tears!
I love her SO much!!
Here’s another blessing!
I took this photo right after he asked me “What was Daddy’s name before he married you, Mama?”
Just in case I haven’t mentioned it lately, Twin Oaks is the BIGGEST blessing.
We have never lived in a home that was just built.
Taking care of a brand new home is SO easy!
Probably the size of Twin Oaks has a lot to do with that – or the fact that we literally only brought 1/3 of what we previously owned with us here.
But I am so grateful!
I must tell Blake twice a week how sweet this little nest is for us!
Anyway – new still has its problems.
Like this brand new oven.
The cleaning cycle on this oven is useless!!
So I put a baking soda paste all over the door and left it there over night.
At first I did not think it did any good.
Then my sweet hubby took a razor blade to the glass, and we realized the baking soda paste had loosened all the grime just enough for the razor to take it the rest of the way off!!
How I wish they made things like they used to.
But I am so thankful it came clean!
We can see through the glass again!
Well, that’s all the things!
We are enjoying them all!!
It’s Friday so Addie Mae and I have been to town and back again, the fridges and shelves are full of provisions, our little nest is clean (even some deep cleaning has been going on today!), laundry is rolling, there are leftovers for dinner…..and IT’S DATE NIGHT!!
Thank you, Lord, for this beautiful life!!!