There are blessings in every thing. I love seeking them, counting them, and praising Jesus for them!
My blessing photos are usually taken with my phone – so they are not the best quality (at all!!). But still so precious!
I don’t want to ever forget the blessing of one cuddly little girl. It shows a deep level of attachment and trust that is an amazing blessing. I love how she says “Hold you, Mommy!” Blessed.
Local greens. Back in season, crisp, oh so yummy, and all gone with one meal. Blessed.
Grant will be traveling to China to help bring Tate home. His passport arrived! Blessed.
This ridge. It is spectacular in its beauty. Even when we climb up it and down it several times a day. Blessed.
Simple foods to stock the freezer. Smoothie season is ahead! Blessed.
Two new drivers. I CAN’T WAIT till they have their licenses! Blessed.
A little one who loves to be outside. And a Mama who loves to play with her. (that snow is long gone now!) Blessed.
New cowgirl boots. (Thanks, David and Kayla!!!) Cause she rocks this look. Blessed.
The reading store wins again. Love when the Lord burdens me with a good idea! Blessed.
Quiet time looking out the south windows after late night storms. Everything is turning green! Blessed.
Playing games at David and Kayla’s place. We LOVE to be at David and Kayla’s! Blessed.
A daughter who loves to bless us with her delicious creations. These are chocolate chip cookie bowls for the ice cream sundae bar for Kayla’s birthday! But the dog ate them before we got the chance to. Sigh. I still love that dog! Blessed.
Our bedroom filled with late night chaos. The good kind of chaos! It gets so loud! Blake looked at me and smiled and said “We will miss this SO much someday.” Yes, honey. Yes we will. SO blessed.
*Can you see Lane and Chad dancing in the bathroom? Can you see Eliza doing flips off of Blake’s leg? Can you hear Grant cracking jokes and picture Addie covering her head with that quilt as she laughs till her sides hurt? Sweet chaos!
Getting this post ready has made my heart swell with thanksgiving!
Have you counted your blessings today? PRAISE JESUS for them! He is worthy to be praised!
I love the joy in your post! Such blessings! I have one to add, and that is having you as a friend and your sharing your blessings. Made me teary, and also caused me to so appreciate all God has given me, too. Thank you!
Now you made me teary!!! Miss you very much.
LOVE seeing that passport! It’s getting closer! One more blessing on its way!!
Yes!!! Mr. Tate we can’t wait!!!
I love this. So precious.
Miss you all. Glad you are home! Prayed and prayed for you!!
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