Time seems to be speeding up!
Is it just me?
Or do you agree?
March was a wonderful month for us here – mostly warm and beautiful after such a dangerously cold February.
I spent a lot of time in March doing some spring cleaning!
I did not take any photos of the piles, but every Friday as I headed to town I usually had about five grocery bags of stuff to drop off at Goodwill.
It is freeing to unload so much unneeded stuff!
A lot of it was still from the farm, and I figure if we had not touched it in three and a half years, it was time for it to go.
Sometimes I had helpers, and sometimes I just worked on a spot on my own.
This day Lane was helping me organize the pantry in the storage room.
Another thing I am constantly working on is feeding this crew of mine!
I enjoy looking back at our food photos – they spark meal ideas that I have forgotten about!
I think I should write a book on how to stack a grocery cart!
While shopping to get as much as you can in it at once!
It takes skill, I’m telling ya!
I have a very helpful trio when it comes to all things in the kitchen.
One day for lunch we made pizza – the dairy-free cheese options have come a long way!
That was Lane’s first piece of traditional pizza ever – at twelve years old.
He LOVED it!
We have been spending a lot of time with our bests – something I am so thankful for!
There are times when weather and illness keep us apart – I’m SO glad when they don’t!
This is how you know you have had the best Sunday with your bests!!
Even with the nice weather we still play games every afternoon at least once.
Racko is Eliza’s and my favorite!
Sometimes I cannot get them to put them down for anything!
One afternoon I re-read some of my most recent journals!
It was SUCH a great thing to do – to see my heart on paper through a few years, answered prayers, and all I have studied and learned.
If you do not journal, I highly recommend it!
Ruby is still our joy and I love taking photos of her, especially her funny positions.
Sadie is still our joy too – should I feel guilty I do not have any photos of her?
We are still raising a giant here, in case you thought he stopped growing and started shrinking.
My heel is lined up with the heel of Chad’s boot.
How funny is that???
He is topping out at almost 6 feet 4 inches these days!
We went to a hymn sing at our good friend’s house a couple of weeks ago.
We decided it was so lovely that we need to have one monthly!
So we are going to!
Any one else come home from a spring clothes shopping trip with much needed items and discover the security tag is still on something?
Just me, huh?
It was frustrating because we live so far from town!
That sweatshirt was for this little man.
He is growing!
At least his arms and legs are growing!
It is a daily blessing to be around such an inspiring nine year old!
We took a little road trip in March to visit Whitney, Hannah, and to meet their precious new baby, Titus!!
It was SO wonderful!
Titus is a doll and his dad and mom looked so happy!!
Thirty-three years I’ve been dating my guy!!!
Next up I’ll show you what we did for our 32nd wedding anniversary!
Stayed tuned to see a great ending to March and beginning to April!!