How thankful I am that the sun is shining – it has been missing around these parts lately!
It’s a very cold 16 degrees…so the sun matters, just saying.
We jumped back into full-time school work last Monday after our busy week the week before, and enjoyed a week of school!
Piano lessons started again too after our piano teacher’s spring break.
It was a GREAT week!!
Chad had some economics lectures to listen to this past week –
Art class was super fun on Thursday!
In the midst of all that fun school happening, we filled our free time with lots of other things.
Last Monday was 69 degrees, remember?
I washed and put away all the snow clothes and we were outside endlessly that day!!
There is always laundry – snow clothes or not – and we have folding parties to keep up with it all.
Tuesday brought pouring rain and cold.
I had to run to town for an appointment and lots of errands – it was not fun in all that rain!
Here is another reason I like to be a country girl – look at the traffic!
Tuesday’s weather carried through the rest of the week and even part of Saturday – it has been so, so cold and either raining or snowing.
We found lots to keep us busy here at home!
Of course there was lots of yummy food!
The cold weather gave us the urge to bake too.
Here’s the kid’s lunch one day –
And here is my lunch!
I made meatloaf for dinner one evening – the guys LOVE meatloaf!
Baking things fills bellies and makes your home smell fantastic all at the same time!
We had Asian chicken which is SO yummy!
The basting sauce is apricot jam, lime juice, fresh garlic and fresh ginger.
So much flavor!
Another favorite here is baked yam bar.
So filling!
We also played lots of games and even watched some shows one long afternoon.
Friday took me back to town super early to get our weekly grocery.
It was COLD.
I shop for the bulk of our grocery at a place called Woodman’s, which is an employee owned store with the best prices.
Then I stop at one more store for the things I cannot get there – the most important things that is – like this chocolate I love, ha, ha!!
I have an amazing crew once I get home with a van full of grocery.
We have a system and have all of it put away fast!!
Friday was so snowy and blustery – the house just shook with the wind!
Eliza and I played games in the afternoon while Tate begged me for things to do in the kitchen.
Please never grow up, sweet boy!
He told me, “Mom, it’s great being ten because you get to do things all by yourself with no help.”
Isn’t that so sweet?!
You go for it, Tater Tot!!
Saturday the guys went on an adventure – to a gun range in Rochester, Minnesota and to shop at Scheels.
It was our birthday present to Grant all the way back in August!
They had the BEST time and I’m so glad they got to do that together!!
They were just missing David, who had other plans.
Tate and Eliza and I pulled off a big kitchen day on Saturday morning and then we had the afternoon free.
Tate was reading a book to Eliza, who was downstairs, over the walkie talkies with their ear buds in.
I love the creative things they find to do!!
Saturday was super SWEET watching just the two of them have the day together!
Sometimes three is a crowd, if you know what I mean!
We also went for a walk when the sun came out Saturday afternoon, but only lasted about five minutes because good grief it was cold and so very windy!!
Yesterday was filled with church and our favorites…how CUTE is this??
I think Ellie Joy lined those up that way – she is our little organized one!!
Having Sundays with David, Kayla and the grands is the BEST!!!
Did I mention it was sunny today?
And it was sunny yesterday?
It’s SO pretty!!!
Last but not least, here is a favorite photo from the week of Tate wearing my sweater.
He made me feel like I must be a giant as he wore that around the house!
Can you imagine if he put on Chad’s sweatshirt??
Chad really is a giant!
It was a fantastic week.
Here’s hoping for another one – but it really is all about perspective anyway!
I promise there is good in everything!!!
We are counting down the days until our fantastic get-away – NINE SLEEPS!!!
The kids are SO excited and SO ARE BLAKE AND I!!!
Hope your week was great, friends, and that the sun is shining where you are today!!