Another chance?
Things like that are never lost on me!
What a blessing the Lord gives us when He wakes us each morning and fills our lungs with air!
Breath taking views!
Be still my heart.
Beautiful weather!
Which fills our days with being outside.
And an opportunity to teach a brave and strong boy to ride a two-wheeler bike!!
Another day means another chance to choose joy.
Over the HUGE, huge infestation of flies we have this summer as manure is spread daily right in front of Twin Oaks!
There is always the blessing of good food.
And a nine hour Saturday in the kitchen stocking up on yummy things!
I was in AWE that I had the strength for that!!
I am sure I do not need to say what a gift these precious kiddos are!
Here’s my view as we listen to our read aloud book!
They are such good workers!
A sweet baby who is not a morning person.
She can sleep through anything!!
That same sweet baby lost another tooth!
We start up appointments again for those teeth of hers next week.
Here she is again.
Reading a chapter book.
Blake asked me if I had a plan for teaching school to a future English professor and a future rocket engineer!
Totally winging it!
And again!
Having some down time.
It is just absolutely needed sometimes!
Here are some dinner time antics.
Hanging a spoon from your nose went along with some hilarious stories from the bigs of their childhood.
We were CRACKING up!
Especially when Grant told his brothers and sisters how I had the verse from Proverbs ‘Cast out the scorner and the strife shall cease’ written on the black board for YEARS for his sake!
That handsome, amazing young man might have been cast out quite a bit in his younger years, ahem.
This cheerful smiley one always blesses our days!
We are not fans of noisy things here.
We do allow these tablets for 30 minutes on Tuesdays!
Tate and Eliza pull out these toys once in awhile too.
Most often I find them with books in their hands!!
This is one of my favorite blessings of a new day!
My view from my bathroom while I finish getting ready for the day!
I’m gonna miss this SO MUCH some day.
Our lunch and play visits to Shiloh Valley Farm are the BEST!
I never want to leave once I am there!!!
Ruby is a blessing!
We enjoy her very much!
She is a HOOT!
This is her new favorite place to be.
Chad and I ran all over the house one day calling her name and looking for her, and as I started to panic that she had gotten outside without me noticing, I found her here!
Crazy puppy!!
She finds all kinds of places to sleep!!
Isn’t she adorable!!
Yes, she is as soft and cuddly as she looks!
School has been a blessing!!
We are loving our new rhythm!
Chad is in a play this fall.
It has been SO very fun!!
Play practice does not mean we miss things I have planned for the younger kiddos!
We just take it with us!
Sometimes play practice can wear a kid out though.
This happened during our Bible time yesterday!
We sang as Chad played the song “Lord I Need You.”
There might have been crying in my eyes.
It. Was. So. Very. Precious.
I could feel the Lord smiling down on these children!
We made some food one day and took it to some sweet friends!
Well, you know I LOVE to make food, and feeding people is my JOY!
Then we added a drive to drop it off with views like these – and my day was made!!
Did I mention the blessing of food already?!
Just look at these berries though!!!
They were served over fresh homemade waffles.
I ate them with coconut cream on top!
Don’t forget to make snack plates, you all!
They are so easy, nutritious, and delicious!!
Addie sent me this photo from work last week.
This means fall is coming like a freight train!!
They also have a produce shack there, and we have been reaping the benefits of it!
I know I have said this before – but if you have never grilled peaches, you must!
Then drizzle them with honey and top them with ice cream!!
Another favorite of mine is a mango coconut Kevita.
It’s really too sugary for me, but the probiotics in it make it worth it!
Kayla and her crew stopped by with a treat and a new cup for me one day!
Anything Pioneer Woman sure can make your drinking water goals a whole lot easier!!
We were not expecting to see our broken van again!
But when the auctioneer didn’t get it sold, we had it towed back home.
Hoping it sells soon!
Although it is still broken!
Now, that was A LOT of blessings!!!
Do you see why I don’t take another day the Lord has given us for granted?!
Just LOOK at all we would miss out on!!
We have been at Twin Oaks a whole year now, and the days just keep getting sweeter and sweeter.
Can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings!!
Lord willing, that is!!
Hope you all are praising the Lord for another day too!
God is SO good to us!!
When our old van went kaput, it ended up at the edge of our trees as a plaything/storage place for years. One summer Daniel and a friend decided they should make it into a camper and started dismantling it. They didn’t get very far when they realized taking out the engine was going to require a lot more than they figured. It was finally hauled away a couple months ago as we cleaned up the property to sell. A bittersweet day—so many memories!
I love that! ❤
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