We took a beautiful, chilly ride on a horse drawn cart!
This is Nan, one of the working dogs. I wanted to sneak her in the van and bring her home! Isn’t she adorable?!
I loved watching the other horses run and play. They are so beautiful!
We had a meal around the camp fire. Love, love, love this time of year!!
In between getting home from church and leaving again for our fun day, we had two injuries. Lane accidentally bonked Chad in the nose with his head! Lots of blood, and now a swollen and bruised nose for Chad. Then Lane got out of his seat at lunch and did not know a cooler was behind him. He fell backwards over it, his plate flew into the air, and he landed on his head! Oh, how I can still picture it in slow motion. My poor boys! As we were comforting Lane and cleaning up the mess from his plate, Blake said, “We are going to end up in the ER yet today.” Oh honey, I wish you hadn’t have said that!
Addie Mae caught her foot in a hole while we were around the camp fire last night, and we thought she broke her ankle. So we had a quick exit from the fun, and did end up in the ER! David and Kayla met us there and had a crash coarse in parenting as they took the van full of crying littles home to get them to bed! Six different views from the x-ray machine gave us the GREAT news that there is nothing broken in Addie’s foot or ankle!! She will be on crutches for awhile…it is swollen and bruised.
Not the best ending to our fun day….but there is still nothing like being on our friend’s farm!! We love you guys!!!
*Please say a prayer for Eliza and her Mama and Daddy….she has a sedated MRI very early tomorrow morning!
Tomorrow is my Joseph’s birthday. I’ll be praying for you all day. The MRI is a good thing, but oh so hard to let go of them. ((HUGS)) Looking forward to chatting about what it shows when you have time.
Yes! I will need you when results come in! The hospital just called, and they don’t use the mask….so she will be awake for the IV insertion. Her veins were tough to get blood from when we had her initial blood work done, so pray that IV will go in easily! I appreciate your prayers, Tristan.
Thinking of you guys tonight… we have been praying!
Heading out into the dark and cold now! Thank you for your prayers!!!!
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