It makes for several busy weeks!
Last year we did not travel to UW Madison because of the pandemic – we just did both of their appointments over the phone.
That was easy peasy and A LOT cheaper, just saying.
Tate was scheduled to go first this year, but before we headed to UW we headed to our local dentist because he had a bum tooth that needed taken care of.
Tate was not happy about that bum tooth, but was brave!
Our first appointments at UW Madison were at the beginning of July with Tate’s Orthopedic Surgeon and his Neurosurgeon.
Chad took off work to be with Lane and Eliza.
We are so thankful for our big kids help!
Blake was our chauffeur, but I do not have a photo of him!
The Orthopedic Surgeon takes care of Tate’s severe scoliosis (with a fusion), and the Neurosurgeon takes care of Tate’s spina bifida and the VP shunt in Tate’s brain.
Tate had new imaging taken that day before he saw his doctors.
There was concern about Tate’s stability as we headed into these check-ups, because Tate had been having pain in his back and a “weird” feelings in his legs.
These symptoms could be related to the possibility of Tate’s spinal cord tethering, which would mean spinal surgery, but we are SO thankful to say that that was NOT the case!
Tate’s symptoms seem to be mechanical.
As Tate grows, his scoliosis curve is more to “carry.”
We have been referred to Physical Therapy to see if strengthening Tate will help with the pain and discomfort he is having.
Every medical day ends in coffee and food!
Starbucks and Chipotle were a hit after a long drive and long medical day.
As soon as we were done eating we headed back home.
It was about two seconds later that I took this – Tate is sound asleep under that blanket!
Crazy kid always sleeps with his blanket over his head – even all night long!
Our next Madison trip was in the middle of July for a sedated procedure for Tate to check on the function of his bladder.
This meant that Tate could not eat after 6 a.m. that day.
I gave Tate the option of not eating at all in the morning, or me waking him at 5 a.m. for one last meal.
He chose wisely!
Kayla was our helper for Lane and Eliza on this day!
We dropped them off and could barely get a good bye from them as they were so happy to be at the farm!
Please notice Tate’s head in the background of this photo – he was burying himself in the cushions of Kayla’s couch thinking that Blake and I would not see him there and leave without him, ha, ha!
Another long drive for us, but we stop at least once along the way each time.
We checked in at UW right on time.
Tate’s first appointment was for a renal ultrasound.
Tate and Eliza are pros at having renal ultrasounds – they have had at least a dozen or more of them!
Next it was time for sedation.
We got into the room and Tate told Blake and I that he was shaking!
When the nurse came in I told her what Tate said and so she went and got the child life gal who came in with a book of photos to explain to Tate everything that was going to happen.
This really helped Tate feel better!
Tate drank his “sleepy meds” and settled in for a snooze.
The procedure went well!
Blake and I were with Tate the entire time and he did very well.
When Tate woke up he asked what had happened.
“Did I sleep?”
“Is it over?”
And then “Wow, Mom, I was so in my head about this and it was not bad at all!!”
Sweet boy.
We headed to Chipotle again that day as well, and then headed home!
We do not have the results of Tate’s tests from that day yet, but we do not expect any surprises.
We will be having a phone call to receive those results this Friday.
All in all, Tate’s check-ups were easy peasy!
He does not have to go back for one year unless something comes up!
We cannot stop praising the Lord for Tate’s stability!!
Absolutely AMAZING!
Just like Tate – he is AMAZING too!!
Praise the Lord with us!!!
*Eliza’s turn for appointments is next week!
I think I recognize some of those places. Too bad our appointments are never on the same day!
I bet you do recognize those places! It would be nice to see a familiar face on our long medical days!
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