Although my hubby did try to put the toaster away in the fridge Sunday morning, so we are THAT kind of tired.
Hard to believe it has only been two weeks since our offer was accepted on our sweet little new home!
Soon after that offer was accepted, I took the kiddos over to explore and run around their new home.
It was such a sweet, sweet time for us!
Thanks for this photo, Chad!
We are going to have a cement driveway!
And an attached garage!
We also had some trips to Twin Oaks in the evenings for measuring purposes as we figured out the kitchen.
We got to see our first (of many, many, many more, Lord willing!) Twin Oaks SUNSETS!
You have to know by now how I feel about sunrises and sunsets!
A gift from God for sure.
Meanwhile, back at Adoni Acres, we have been packing.
Let me rephrase that.
We have been organizing and purging!
Stuff, stuff, stuff!
Addie and I have been making a great team as we go through everything!
We have sold A LOT, and have been giving away or donating the rest.
Our new downsized life is becoming a reality!
All of those shoes were kept though.
Life with many feet!
Packing is way more fun when your boxes are full of this kind of cuteness!
We also whipped this place in the best shape we could for the buyers inspection and appraisal.
We worked hard!
We want to be diligent to do our part to get this across the finish line!
I always have such good helpers!
We have had a variety of weather here, as always in Wisconsin.
Cold days and super hot days!
We are being purposeful to swim when the weather allows, before the pool has to be taken down!
One day was so hot that we had ice cream before we swam.
Yes, it seems that sweet baby on the right has grown a foot this summer!
During the inspection of the farm last week, the kiddos and I headed over to Twin Oaks to prep the upstairs for painting and to hang out.
Our new home has air conditioning!
Such a blessing!!
To keep this whirlwind organized, the girls and I headed for grocery late one night last week.
For some reason, they all think they still need to eat!
These two are a blast to be around, and it made shopping very fun!
Besides all of that, I have met with the sellers cabinet gal, and got all the details finalized for the kitchen and bathroom cabinetry, counters, sinks, and faucets!
Blake and I met with the sellers floor guy and got our floors ordered a.s.a.p., and the upstairs is being laid today as I type this!
We offered to do all of the painting, and the sellers said yes!
So, this weekend, that is pretty much ALL we did!
Team Moschel was this crew on Friday night.
I stayed home and had a special evening with the littles, but the girls kept texting me photos so I could see the progress!
Saturday and Sunday morning, we dropped the littles at their big sis’s place.
David and Kayla committed their whole weekend to helping us!
Not only did they have five little people under five years old to take care of, but they fed us EVERY meal.
I know, I know.
I could not say enough thank yous.
Tate and Eliza had a BALL.
The rest of Team Moschel got after all the painting!
The sellers had already painted some.
The main area was painted grey, and we liked it, so we finished it!
The master bedroom was a bright blue.
We decided to change it to white.
The middle boys also did endless cleaning with two shop vacs.
We got the upstairs done in time for the floors – praise the Lord!
There are two walls that still need built in the basement before we finish painting down there, and then those floors will go in too.
We are mostly back at Adoni Acres this week packing more boxes and deciding what we will need immediately and what can go into the semi that we will park somewhere until the house is more ready for it to be unloaded.
After the inspection was done here at the farm, the buyers have now asked us to close on August 9th.
We will be moving the weekend before – which is coming up FAST!
I better get back to work!
One more photo first!
Just because our sweet baby is TOO cute.
We are beyond humbled at God’s graciousness to us right now.
We are so blessed by all the progress being made!
We have received so many messages from you all about how you are praying for us right now.
Thank you.
Thank you so much for your prayers.
Bless you all!!
What an amazing God we have that has pulled all this together for you, actually it was planned all along. What a mighty God!
We think the same thing!! Planned ALL along…revealed to us in His perfect time. So thankful!!
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