The two younger boys are hard workers…..unless there is a critter to distract them, that is.
Next up was cleaning and blanching them all for the freezer!
I haven’t had the time to work in the gardens yet, but I am itching to. Eliza and I have walked through them several times (um, I mean I have walked through them several times carrying Eliza who will not put her feet on the grass). Soon it will be time to start canning! Our tomatoes look amazing! I can hardly wait! (no pun intended!)
We really need to learn to garden here! The kids have taken over our small garden the last two years and gotten a small harvest (very small but edible). I am anything but a green thumb. 😉
Our gardens are the beauty they are because of Kayla! She is so talented in this area, and she just tells us “go people” what to do ;0)
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