Bountiful Harvest

The Lord is blessing the children’s efforts in the gardens this year! They had this bean pickin’ party while we were still in China. I could not believe all those beautiful green beans! The girls have already made some fresh green beans for us since we have been home. Nothing like eating straight from your gardens!





The two younger boys are hard workers…..unless there is a critter to distract them, that is.



Next up was cleaning and blanching them all for the freezer!


I haven’t had the time to work in the gardens yet, but I am itching to. Eliza and I have walked through them several times (um, I mean I have walked through them several times carrying Eliza who will not put her feet on the grass). Soon it will be time to start canning! Our tomatoes look amazing! I can hardly wait! (no pun intended!)


  1. Tristan says:

    We really need to learn to garden here! The kids have taken over our small garden the last two years and gotten a small harvest (very small but edible). I am anything but a green thumb. 😉

    • Steph says:

      Our gardens are the beauty they are because of Kayla! She is so talented in this area, and she just tells us “go people” what to do ;0)

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