
Just got a call from my darling Mother scolding me for the length of time that is lapsing between blog posts now that life is C.R.A.Z.Y. Apparently a post everyday is more to her liking!

And since I always listen to my Mom (Hi, Mom!), and do everything she tells me, here are some photos of our sweet new princess to meet my quota for a post today.


The weather is beautiful here!






Yes, technically our sweet new princess is riding on a tractor and playing with a nerf gun….but at least she is wearing pink, right?

Today after Eliza’s nap I sat her down to pull her hair up and she took the bow out of my hand and said “It is so pretty!” IT IS SO PRETTY? I thought we were all going to fall off our chairs! I have spoken this language my whole life, and even though I am still very young (grin), I don’t think I make sentences grammatically correct all the time yet! Grammatically correct all the time yet? See what I mean?

This sweet new princess is a rock star! She continues to amaze us ALL DAY LONG.

We love you so much Eliza Claire!! How did we ever live without you??!!

P.S. I have a post ready for tomorrow that you are going to love!


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