My helpers – how I love them!
I made a green smoothie one day, but the blueberries in it did not make it look very yummy!
Our Pup, Sadie, is our best dog yet!
The kids and I made stir fry one night.
Tate calls this “my China food!”
We have been buying food in bulk to save some money.
So far we have nuts, gluten-free flours, honey, unbleached paper products, and oats!
We also have a freezer full of whole chickens and half of a pig!
SUCH a blessing!!!
Aren’t these boxes a hoot?!
It snowed, so this guy was out half of the night, as he is a snow plow guy this year.
It called for a super big coffee the next morning!
Maybe that is the size of his coffee everyday?
The snow is so pretty!
Even though we had a llllooonnnggg drive home in it on date night Friday night!
Blake took ALL the kiddos on some errands Saturday morning (I KNOW!!).
Tate came back to give me one last hug and said, “I know you are going to have some peace and quiet Mommy!”
Yes, I DID!
Christmas cards are starting to arrive!
They bless us SO much!
I worked in the kitchen all day Saturday, and filled this scrap bowl three times.
How I wish I had some animals to go and throw it to instead of putting it in the trash!
Here is the fruit of our labor.
A fridge full of yummy things.
The guys were cutting wood most of the day Saturday, but they are always glad to lend me a hand too!
The kiddos and I are going through the advent study “Unwrapping the Greatest Gift” by Ann Voskamp.
It is SO good!
One morning we learned about when Abraham was asked by the Lord to sacrifice his beloved son Isaac.
He obeyed, and trusted that the Lord would provide a way!
The lesson then asked the kids to list 10 things the Lord has provided for them.
I wrote them in the order they said them, and I think it is just the sweetest list.
The guys put up our swing set and our bird feeder while I was in Iowa last weekend!
We don’t have any birds coming to our feeder though.
I need to research what we can do to get them to!
Our afternoons always have an hour of rest.
My effort to rid of naps for Tate and Eliza was in vain!
They just cannot make it without them because of how late their nights are because of Blake, Grant and Addie’s work schedules.
Sometimes the boys enjoy an hour of a quiet activity during that time – but usually they head outside to run Sadie.
And there are more moments captured!
A blessed season!