How I enjoy looking back at a post like this one in the middle of our long Wisconsin winters. July is the BEST part of summer!! It actually gets very hot here – just not for very long – and... Continue reading →
It is getting a little trickier to get everyone together these days, which means that everyone’s lives our full in a wonderful way! Tate and Eliza’s Forever Family Days came along in July, and we always leave it up to... Continue reading →
The second to last weekend of July we had a plan to take our favorite weekend trip to Illinois and Indy to see our extended family! We LOVE these weekend trips, even though they are short for so many miles... Continue reading →
On July 13th, Blake, Tate and I headed back to UW Madison to see Tate’s orthopedic surgeon. If you would like to read my report on Tate’s last appointment with this surgeon, go here. It was a beautiful day for... Continue reading →