You should already know how much I love a day with everyone here – especially when it is an extra one because of a holiday! Everyone was off of work for the 4th of July this year – so we... Continue reading →
After all those posts about June, you would think I had nothing left to talk about! But I do!! Our days are full and wonderful and these memories deserve to by kept. I read some good books in June! The... Continue reading →
Food is a big thing around here. It really is a big thing for everyone to some degree – everyone has to eat! But I enjoy making food. Trying new things. Baking. Cooking. Especially when the children are at my... Continue reading →
It goes with saying that we enjoy our grandchildren very much! My favorite days are spent with all of us together!! Ever since Saigey girl was born, we have had many sweet times with them. I would spend every day... Continue reading →