Besides ordering a bunch of books from the library and saving craft ideas on Pinterest, I also ordered a caterpillar kit from Amazon!
The caterpillars were SO interesting to watch.
Here is how tiny they were when they first arrived.
They started moving around right away.
They grew bigger by the hour!
Pretty soon (a little over a week) they were in their chrysalis.
Then it was time to move them to the butterfly garden!
Blake helped the kids set up the butterfly garden one evening while I was away at a church event.
It took almost a week for the butterflies to emerge from their chrysalis.
We did not see any of them emerge, but we got to watch as they let their wings dry and expand as they pumped them full!
Four out of the five butterflies survived.
They are hard to see in these photos, but they are there!
While all that growing was going on, we were reading caterpillar and butterfly books and doing some crafts too.
I did not take photos of all of our books – I had ordered around 40 of them!
I also do not have photos of all the crafts we have made – but here are just a few!
This craft was the kids all time favorite with this unit.
I like to stretch Eliza’s sensory capabilities any time I can in our school setting, so we use lots of paints and find lots of ways to paint with them.
It was with potatoes this day!
We also made butterflies out of coffee filters one day.
Super cute!
And caterpillars from popsicle sticks and pipe cleaners!
This unit study was so great!
Our next unit study is birds – and it will be just as great, Lord willing!
I am SO glad that I get to be a teacher to these amazing kiddos!!
We are having SO much fun!!