Back then it was called “Kayla time.”
It has been called “Grant time.”
And even “Addie time.”
Now it is called “Chad time.”
Chad sometimes plans, but always supervises an activity for the three younger ones for thirty minutes during the school year and one hour during the summer time.
I use this precious time to get some necessary things done!!
This past week, I handed Chad some containers, measuring cups, and paint brushes for some water play on the sidewalk for Chad time.
Lane, Tate, and Eliza LOVE Chad time!
Such a simple, simple thing to do that brings such peace!
They were playing for about ten minutes when Chad yelled through the kitchen window, “Mom, is it ok if we are getting a little wet?” to which I answered, “It’s ok!”
Pretty soon I hear squealing, laughing, and complete chaos, and I went back outside to find this.
Oh my goodness they had a BALL!!
But Tate’s lips were purple when they were done!!
While I was out there snapping those photos, I had to snap a few of the cutest puppy ever.
Isn’t Sadie adorable?!!
She has the best personality too.
Our days are SO full here, but they are full of lots of very good things!!
Hope your days are good too!!