Chad started therapy with a Certified Hand Therapist at Gundersen Lutheran Hospital in LaCrosse on July 31st, over four weeks ago now.
We could not possibly love Chad’s therapist MORE!
She is the BEST! We consider her a friend now!!
Lots of things happen in therapy, which is twice a week right now.
August 14th was a big day for therapy because most of Chad’s scabs and stitches were removed, and his day time splint was changed to just having his fingers “buddy” splinted!
We headed back to Madison on August 19th to see Chad’s hand surgeon.
He was pleased with Chad’s progress!!
We see him again on September 24th, and we are expecting Chad to get the GREEN LIGHT to DO ALL THE THINGS again!!
According to his ability at that point, of course!
This past week Chad’s therapist gave him the go ahead to be splint free while here at home.
This week she also made the plan to make a new splint for Chad next Monday – one with some rubber bands to hold his index finger and middle finger at certain angles because they are not wanting to bend right now.
She showed us a photo of this kind of splint and it is going to be quite the contraption!
In the mean time Chad does exercises many times a day to try to get his fingers to make a fist again.
He is getting to about 40 or 45 degrees so far.
Progress, progress!!
Chad and I spend a lot of time in waiting rooms!
Sometimes we have helpers!!
And sometimes therapy days call for ice cream!
Amidst all the running back and forth to therapy and doctors, and starting school – Chad took his driver’s ed test and got his driving permit.
That is one happy boy in this photo!
Since Chad’s injured hand cannot grasp that steering wheel, we have been practicing driving in parking lots and on deserted streets.
Chad has driven before on the farm so this is not new to him anyway!
We are hoping he will be able to sign up for his instructor hours soon!
We know we still have a ways to go to see Chad regain full function of his hand.
It is impossible not be thankful though!
For how far his healing has come since his accident!
For the team that Chad has helping his hand heal!
Every single person we have met along this journey has been nothing short of amazing, kind, compassionate, concerned, and helpful.
It’s inspiring to meet so many people who love what they do when what they do is help people get well!
Thank you all for praying for Chad with us.
Please keep praying with us!
For that index finger and that middle finger to BEND.
For FULL FUNCTION of Chad’s hand!
For the grit that Chad needs to keep working hard at his therapy.
For his heart as he waits to do everything he longs to be doing!
We appreciate the prayers SO much.
Thank you, thank you!!