I used to achieve this by making scrapbooks full of our family photos.
Now-a-days I plan crafts for Tate and Eliza and sometimes make the craft with them!
Lately the middle boys have been asking to make the crafts I have planned for the littles!
The more the merrier!
I get all my craft ideas off of pinterest.
What did we ever do before pinterest?
Here the kiddos are making Christmas trees out of paper plates.
At first I just had out pom poms, beads, and white yarn.
Then I dumped out our envelope of stickers!
The stickers were a hit with the littles.
Much more to their level.
The trees turned out cute and each one was unique!
Yes, there was glitter EVERYWHERE!
I searched one morning for some crafts that we could add to our Christmas tree as ornaments.
It is so big that it looks kind of bare!
I saw this craft and so we tried it out!
It was going ok until we had to bake them.
They were STINKY.
Like really, really STINKY.
I was cooking plastic at 450 degrees!
What was I thinking I would smell??
We had the whole house open while they were baking for the 12 minutes they needed to bake.
Praise God for 50 degree days lately!
They came out of the cookie cutters easily, and the results were cute.
But we won’t be making these ones again.
I have another cookie cutter melting craft planned though!
With peppermint candies!
Now that should smell good!
I just LOVE, love, love planning things like this for the kids.
And they all get so excited over the most simple things!
It is never lost on Blake and I how much enthusiasm these kiddos live life with!
They never need to be impressed – even the little things bring them so much joy!
I think there will be lots more crafts in our upcoming school days!
The trees are beautiful! And the ornaments sure looked like a great idea 🙂 I admire you for all the prep, clean up (!), and patience that goes into crafting. I must admit that I am bad with crafts and would always rather opt for more math, science or history.
One of my favorite websites for crafts, when the boys were younger, was Enchanted Learning. I still use it these days but only for geography worksheets for my 8th grader.
Here is a link to their Christmas related activities. The Santa hat was a huge hit back in preschool time. Eliza and Tate may like it too.
Enjoy the season and so glad Eliza avoided the surgery!
Lucie, Thank you so much for your kind words!! Can’t wait to look at the link you sent ❤
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