My Dad and I always started our conversations with a weather report – do you all do that with someone too?
I miss him.
Well, anyway – it is a warmer 37 degrees this morning, but raining and foggy here too.
We have had an interesting week weather wise – you will see in the photos that follow!
Monday evening was our Women to Women gathering at our church.
I am on the planning committee for this monthly gathering, and enjoy it very much!
I am thankful for my crew here who helped decorate and set up all the tables and chairs on Sunday after church – it was nice to have it done ahead of time – and a great opportunity for the kiddos to be involved!
Monday we got after our school rhythm, and then in the afternoon the kiddos helped me bake the potatoes for the baked potato bar we were serving the gals Monday night.
They are FUN helpers!!
I have had a harder week this week autoimmune health wise, Monday included.
I even drank some caffeine hoping it would help, but I had to rest quite a bit.
I managed to make it through the day and evening, praise the Lord!
Tuesday had us back in our school rhythm, but Wednesday we just did Math and then headed to Aspen’s place to play and have lunch!
We had a blast, of course!
And I had the CUTEST little barista making me espresso’s by the dozens, ha, ha!!
Thursday morning we woke up to this, and I might have groaned.
It was Sadie’s sixth birthday that day!
She is the sweetest pup, but don’t open a door without knowing where she is or she will BE GONE.
Stickin’ cute pup.
I think she is just ready for spring too!!
School on Thursday was full of fun things – like watching videos about the first man on the moon, science experiments, and doing art class!
I found Tate tracing his art project in the closet!
If you have been here only a second, you know what Friday means!!
Grocery, cleaning, playing with the kiddos, and DATE NIGHT!
I left for grocery bright and early and was at my first stop by 6:30 a.m., which is 50 minutes away from home.
Grocery is just such a big job but is way easier when you are the only one at the store, am I right??
Friday was a GORGEOUS day – so warm, blue and sunny!!!
Friday afternoon Kayla picked up Eliza for a date!
Kayla had given Eliza a future date coupon for her birthday, and Friday was the day!
Eliza was SO excited and watched the clock all day!
They went and had gelato and then went shopping.
There were some cute tag alongs in that car there – which made it double the fun!!
Blake and I did some shopping for date night, and then we found a neighborhood and took a very long walk!
The weather was BEAUTIFUL!!
Saturday morning we woke up to this!
But this snow fall looked like a movie set – it was so beautiful and covered everything, even the trees!
The snow always brings the cardinals back to us though!
Do you see them there?
While we were making a big breakfast Saturday morning, my hubby loaded the trash to take it to the dump.
He came back in the house and said, “How does one family generate so much trash?” to which Tate answered, “We are a lot of souls, Dad.”
He is so cute.
Since I had made a big breakfast for everyone on Saturday morning, and it was Lane’s FOURTEENTH birthday (I know!!), we put a candle in Lane’s breakfast and sang to him!
Saturday was a BIG kitchen day as we got ready for meal day at church yesterday and also a birthday bash after church to celebrate not only Lane, but Kayla too!
Right before I took this photo I said something like “hold still for one sec!”
Do you spy what I spy with my little eye??
Who ducked down when I said that so he wouldn’t be in the photo?
Ha, ha!!
We laughed so hard!!
I hollered at him too, don’t worry, and then I took this one instead!
Saturday also brought a piano assessment test for Eliza with her piano instructor!
She PASSED and moved up to Level 5!!
Piano assessments are not the best for my crew, because they are only on Saturdays.
We have to be on a live chat for 45 minutes, which means everyone else has to be QUIET – because this house is tiny!!
They managed!
And Eliza did GREAT!!
By Saturday afternoon, all of that snow was gone, and it looked like this!!
With a beautiful sunset in the evening!!
Tate, Eliza and I made the fruit salad for the birthday party yesterday morning before church.
I also made two batches of rolls then too – this is one of them!
It ended up being a busy morning in the kitchen as well!
It was another good week in the kitchen though!!
Look at some of the yumminess that we made!!
By the end of the week I was trying to figure out how to use up 20 some leftover baked potatoes!
We got creative and even put them under our Chinese orange bowl dinner one night.
We received the sweatshirts and t-shirts this week that we had ordered.
They were a fund raiser for a sweet family who is going through a life-changing event as their 17 year old son battles cancer.
We are so thankful to have these shirts to wear as we continue to pray for them!
I ordered a new kind of coffee to try.
I have been reacting to coffee for months now.
I have only used this one once – it is not that great.
I think I may have just lost my taste for coffee though!
Time will tell!
If you are looking for a clean decaf coffee, you might want to give this one a try!
You know what will be next, right?
That wonderful birthday celebration we had yesterday!!
Celebrating Lane and Kayla was AWESOME!!
There was good food, delicious desserts (thank you, Addie Mae!), and WE WERE ALL TOGETHER!!
The best day, for sure.
Stay tuned!
I hope you all had a wonderful week with more predictable weather than we had!