I have already mentioned the amazing fellowship, the teaching, the blessing of others sharing their talents….
but there are a few other things that the kiddos look forward to the most.
One of them is called “The Mighty Mighty Scoop Noodle Challenge.”
And it is a HOOT.
Imagine a hundred or more children and some of their Moms and Dads on a football field playing a game like Capture the Flag on steroids. Really!
There are two teams, red and blue, and it really just looks like complete chaos, but I guarantee that there is strategy, team work, running, sweating, and in the end one team is the winner!
Right after I snapped this photo, my hubby said to me, “I am not going to be able to get out of bed tomorrow morning.” No sympathy here, honey, sorry!!
Another much anticipated event are the boat races!
The whole week the guys were building their boats to get ready for the races.
And yes, the boats are made out of cardboard.
It is hilarious!
We all headed to the lake on Wednesday afternoon to watch 30 some boats race across to the other side, a couple at a time.
Grant, Chad and Lane were on a team with some dear friends of ours, so Chad rode across with Sam, and Grant took Sam’s place on the way back across the lake.
They did not win, but were one of about ten boats to make it across and back! Good job, boys!!
Here is Chad loading while Grant holds their boat!
Go boys, go!!!!
Here they are on their way back!!
Wednesday was GORGEOUS! And summer like!
Kayla visited again that afternoon, and I really enjoyed watching the littles all play together in the sand and water.
Tate and Eliza just LOVED being at the lake!!
I love when Tate sits in his little Chinese squat!
If you are a homeschooling family and have not considered a camp like this one, I would encourage you to look into it! It is such a blessing for the kiddos to be surrounded by other kiddos that are homeschooled too, and the fellowship and encouragement I received as a Mom of those kiddos was priceless! I love how Family Camp falls right at the start of a “new” school year, even though we really school year round for the most part. I come home fired up and ready to jump back into reality!!
Speaking of reality – can I just say camp laundry is the yuckiest biggest job?! I did sixteen loads when we got home!!
We are counting down the days until next year’s Family Camp as we cannot wait to go back, Lord willing!
A couple of years ago when we were just home from Family Camp Lane asked Kayla, “Kawa, how many days do we have to stay in this place until we can go back to Family Camp?” My sentiments exactly, Lane Stevan!
Family Camp 2016, you were SO good to us!!
“it is a hoot” TO SAY THE LEAST!!!! We love that game=) 16 loads…well, we didn’t count=) I don’t think I want to know…
And I’ve gotta know…are y’all actually counting down every day? We did that for our 2nd year and it was hilarious! And we only missed one day=)
Not actually, no! But we should!!
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