February’s Adventure

Wednesday we went on February’s adventure with the children!

There was a very short conversation about jumping on a plane and flying to Jamaica….

because we have set a new record in our area for the amount of snow fall in February, good grief!!

Instead Blake planned for us to go swimming for the day!

I wish I would have had my camera on when we pulled into that hotel – because Lane said “ARE WE GOING SWIMMING??!!”

I turned around and said YES! to which everyone started cheering!!

It was SO cute.

And totally worth keeping it a secret!

Only Addie Mae knew our plans for the day and that we had hidden all of our swim gear in the trunk of the van the night before!

This hotel in our area offers a same day pass into their pool area.

There were seven of us there ALL day for only $44!

Eliza’s favorite thing in this entire world is to be in water!

It helps her with her sensory needs SO MUCH.

I have tears right now as I type how very happy I was for her that she was going to have the very best day.

And she did!

She never got out of that pool until we made her get out for lunch and again to go home.

She was smiling ALL day!

Oh my heart.

And then there is Tate.

His Mama may still hold her breath a bit as she watches him do ALL the things – but I never stop him or instruct him in anyway.

HE KEPT UP with the other children ALL DAY.

Ok, guys, more tears!

Excuse me while I get a tissue!

Of course the middle boys had a blast too!!

Lane stopped his dripping wet self from the big bear hug he started to give me as he said “Mom, this is the BEST day. Thank you and Dad SO much for bringing us here!”

It really was the best day.

We ate lunch right in the pool area in a spot designated for that very thing!

I was the photographer, but also sat and watched the kiddos, drank an iced coffee, and reviewed a book I love.

Addie Mae swam for awhile and then joined me at a pool side table!

We planned the food for an upcoming church event!

I would say the end of the day photos sum up our day in the best way!

There are so many things from the three oldest kiddos younger years that they still talk about – because those memories are sunk so deeply in their hearts.

I think our adventuring days will be a memory like that for our youngest four!

Especially since their Dad is making such an investment to spend one day a month focusing solely on them.

No more tears, I promise.

Just gratefulness!

For these children and my husband!!

Blake and I are determined, with the joy of the Lord as our strength, to FINISH STRONG!

It is our constant prayer that the Lord will bring the desires of our heart that we have for our family to fruition!!

Thank you, Jesus, for these precious arrows you have allowed us to raise!