From A Blizzard to Sunshine

Hello teeny tiny space on the world wide web!

I’ve missed you!!

I always enjoy being here on this little blog of ours, but it has been awhile!

Blake and I had plans to attend the MACHE home school convention in St. Paul, Minnesota on April 12th and 13th, but had planned a five day ‘get-away’ around that convention.

On Sunday, April 7th, when we saw the weather forecast for the week ahead we jokingly said, “Why is it we are not going to Florida this year?”

The next morning we realized our trip to the home school convention was probably not going to happen because of a blizzard that was headed our way and even more so to St. Paul and Minneapolis.

A quick look at our calendar made it clear a get-away would not happen at a later date – our calendar was FULL!

SOOOOO….by 2:00 p.m. that day we had tickets to Naples, Florida, a hotel room and a rent-a-car secured!

We were flying out of Madison at 7 a.m. on Thursday to return the next Monday!

CRAZY, I know.

By Wednesday afternoon Twin Oaks was looking like this –

We left around 11 p.m. Wednesday night to “beat” the bulk of the freezing rain that was supposed to happen later during the night.

Let’s just say it was a terrifying ride to Madison – depending on who you ask, of course.


We got to the airport around 2 a.m., found a seat, and waited for daylight!

Around 5 a.m. a coffee shop finally opened and we found a fire to sit by!

The bad weather did not come as far south as Madison, praise the Lord!

Our flight was on time.

We started getting texts from home about how bad it was there, and also how the power kept going out!

All day Thursday the ice storm raged and power lines were falling all over our area back home.

The kids were safe, but their Mama was a bit unsettled.

I was thankful that we made it safely to Florida and that the report from home was that the storm was ending!

Here is our first photo on our trip, while on our second flight, with no sleep the night before!!

As we stepped out of the airport in Naples Thursday afternoon I got teary eyed as I looked around me!

Blake and I had had a conversation during our flight about how we felt like our heads were going to explode as of late because of the big, big pile all the little things were making back home – this get-away was more needed than I wanted to admit.

I am SO thankful for my husband!!

He cares for our marriage so carefully!

And cherishes me SO much.

We headed to the grocery store before going to our hotel!

These were our wheels for the weekend.

And then we were sitting by the pool by 3 p.m.

From a blizzard to sunshine!!

CRAZY, I say!!

Here is the view of the pool from our room!

We slept twelve hours Thursday night in the biggest most comfortable bed I have ever slept in and then started our day Friday by the pool too!

First up was always coffee!

My sweet hubby would run and get us a cup every morning!

We listened to quite a few podcasts together while hanging out by the pool that weekend – all of them about home schooling believe it or not!

Our own little home school convention in a lounge chair, ha, ha!

I was looking forward to visiting our favorite spots to eat, since we had been in Naples just two years ago for our anniversary get-away.

Of course there was more coffee!

And smoothies!!

Friday we made big salads for lunch.

Yummy, yummy!

Friday night we went out to dinner at one of our favorite spots called Food For Thought.

We sat on the patio to eat and listened to a live jazz band.

For dessert we had another smoothie!

It. Was. So. Perfect!

After dinner we headed to the beach to watch the sunset!

My favorite, favorite, favorite thing!!!

It did NOT disappoint!

And we also saw dolphins!

They would swim and play and catch fish in their mouths right below the pier!

They were SO close!

When we saw the dolphins it was probably the 4,392nd time since arriving in Naples that we said we wished the kiddos were with us!

Check out this sunset – it was breathtaking!

Saturday was more of the same!

We ate in our room that night, but then headed downtown to walk around.

What a beautiful, beautiful city!

Sunday morning we found a church to attend and enjoyed it a lot.

It was raining in the morning, but cleared off right as we finished our salads we were having for lunch!

Back to the pool we went!

Sunday evening we went out to eat again – just typing about our meal is making my mouth water.

It was OVER THE TOP delicious!!

We headed back to the beach to watch one more sunset, and had some serious conversations about why we put ourselves through Wisconsin winters.

It kind of felt like a piece of heaven on that beach after the long winter we had had!

Monday morning we headed to the airport bright and early to head back home!

We had a bit of a lay over between flights, which gave us a chance to have some Jamba Juice!

I have been recreating this one since we have been back home!

The views from the plane were so beautiful!

That is Lake Michigan in this first photo!

We stopped for one last coffee in Madison for the long drive home from the airport.

Wow. Wow!

It has been so sweet to write this blog post and bring all those memories out of the deep places in my heart and to my mind again!

I don’t even have the words to close this post.

How do I put it into words?

My husband. My best friend. He pursues me. He cherishes me. I am just not worthy of the amazing gift the Lord gave me when He gave me Blake as my husband. Not worthy!

Blake and I are determined to finish strong.

With the Joy of the Lord as our strength – we want to finish strong!!

Together as heirs in the grace of life!!

For as long as the Lord allows!

It is our prayer and our hearts desire!!

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for such a beautiful get-away where we were able to pour into the most important things.

I love you, Mr. Blake Moschel!