What a good idea these fun facts Friday posts were! (thanks, honey!)
Then they quit happening!
Welcome back fun facts Friday!
For today, anyway!
I bought Tate these scissors a while back.
His right hand is his favored hand, but it is very weak.
I am working on strengthening it through different school like activities – like cutting.
He still will try to use his left hand to help his right hand cut with these scissors, but with some encouragement, he really will try to do what I ask.
We have cut up a lot of index cards! Good thing they are cheap!
I am in school mode! Planning, preparing, and even doing summer school.
We love books here – even when we are not in school mode.
We have some favorites when it comes to chapter books.
The boys favorites are the YWAM chapter books. We especially like the Christian Heroes: Then & Now series, and the Heroes of History series.
Our library does not have this series. We do not own them all yet, but we usually give books as gifts for birthdays and Christmas, so we might have them all some day!
We also have some favorites when it comes to picture books.
These books written by Carl Sommer are such great character lessons.
Tate and Eliza pick them off our shelf often when they want me to read to them.
We also enjoy listening to stories! Our favorite is Your Story Hour CD’s. They have Bible based stories and history based stories.
This is a great lunch time, snack time, or cold winter day activity. These CD’s keep even the precious boy with the dimples sitting still!
Anyone out there that can tell me why someone designed a children’s picnic table with all these dirt collecting grooves in it?
They should have consulted a Mom! Just saying.
My hubby says he always knows how good I am feeling by how much dirt I see around the house! Ha! That really is a good way to tell!
This is my twelve year old giant. I promise you those size 18 shorts went below his knees when I bought them at the beginning of this summer! A couple more months, and I bet he is taller than me.
The girls and I had a girls’ night out this week! Shopping and coffee, of course. It was the best.
Wish you could have seen us trying to take this photo!! Hilarious.
David was still at work, so Blake and this crazy man took care of Clyde.
You should see Clyde light up when his Uncle Grant walks in a room!!
Clyde is constantly flapping his arms! It is hard to get a clear photo of him!
We are having a heat wave here that is crazy. The heat index is over 100 degrees, and I even heard 115 degrees. This old rambling 3600 square foot farm house has three window air conditioner units. They are doing a pretty good job keeping it livable in here!
Today is FRIDAY!!!! How I love the weekends that always start with date night! Blake and I have been having consistent Friday night dates lately! My love language is time, so these date nights are important! I cannot wait till tonight! Even though it is meltingly hot outside!
Hope you all had a great week!! Have a great weekend!!