We LOVE to celebrate the anniversaries of Grant, Tate, and Eliza’s forever family day!
Saturday night we had a delicious Korean meal and little celebration planned!
We really (really, really, really!) thought we were ALL done with the stomach flu that had taken over our home for the two weeks before this.
Tate had not been sick yet, though.
But we really thought he was spared!
It had been too many days since anyone else had been sick!
Right in the middle of making that delicious Korean meal and having our little celebration, Tate starting throwing up.
We still ate our meal!
But I do not have one photo!
At least the food was good!
By Sunday Tate was eating again, even though he was still not feeling the best.
So Sunday night we had ice cream and strawberries to finish our celebration of Grant’s Day!
Happy Grant’s Day, Grant Evan!!
You are a blessed gift, and we are SO thankful the Lord chose you to be our oldest son!
We have such joy knowing that you are part of God’s perfect plan for our family!
Where has the time gone?
How can it already be nineteen years since we stood at the airport watching those customs doors open and close waiting for you to be carried through them to us?
There is SO much I never want to forget!
But I know the BEST is YET to come!!