Our Chaddy boy is fourteen.
What I mean is….technically he will be fourteen tomorrow.
I am typing this post with a bittersweet tear running down my cheek!
Sticking with birthday tradition, we invited some of our favorite people over and Chad chose what he wanted for a meal for his birthday celebration!
These kiddos know how to pick a great meal!
Chad chose steak, fish, cauliflower with bacon and ranch seasoning, white sweet mashed potatoes, fruit stew, and banana chocolate chip muffins.
SO yummy!
After dinner it was time to watch Chad open his gifts!
Lane had warned Chad earlier in the day that “fourteen is the transition year from receiving fun things to play with to only receiving things you need, like clothes.”
Ha, ha, it wasn’t all clothes!
Those photos above turned out GREAT!
They were all POSED!
This next one is reality!
It’s a reality I LOVE though!!
Chad chose an ice cream sundae bar for his dessert.
He is SO like his Dad!!
We all sang!
When Chad blew out his candles, the toasted coconut on top of his sundae flew everywhere!
We had to have a redo for a photo!
SO, so much I could say about this boy.
Chad is FULL of grace, compassion, initiative, integrity, and possesses a true sense of right and wrong.
He works hard, but has a quick wit that keeps us smiling all. the. day. long.
The Lord has blessed us SO much!
Chad asked the Lord into his heart when he was four years old, and since that day has never changed the vision he has for his own future – he wants to be a pastor.
I think the Lord has big plans for our boy!
There is no greater joy than knowing your children walk in truth!
Happy, happy birthday, Chad Ryan!!
We love you SO much!!
Happy birthday to your sweet boy!!!! Cora’s Birthday is December 19th so we have been celebrating here too. Been posting on my blog just not IG for the moment. Hope you have a very merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you too Amber!!
Happy birthday to Chad! Settlers of Catan is one of our favorite games even after years of playing it as a family and friends. I am sure it will get played during the Christmas break again. We even have a few extension, Cities and Knights being the all time favorite.
Merry Christmas!
Thank you! We hope to add extensions to the game too!
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