Happy Birthday, Eliza Claire!!

She’s seven.

Our sweet baby is seven!!

Eliza’s excitement for her birthday this year was super, duper contagious!

We celebrated this past Sunday evening, two days early!

Because of some illness, her party was smaller than we had originally planned, but it was still oh so good!

I’ll let the photos do the talking….

A special meal, our favorite people, sweet gifts, cake, ice cream, and a NEW BIKE!

(still debating on the size of that new bike – might exchange it for a smaller one!)

I would say turning seven was a good thing for our sweet baby, huh?

We literally laughed the whole evening at all the cute things Eliza kept saying!

Sweet baby, we cannot believe you are seven!

It was SO fun to celebrate you and your life!

We are grateful, grateful that we get to be your forever more!

Happy, happy birthday, Eliza Claire!



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