It is important to build their trust, so we can handle them when we need to!
The gelding, Vic, is still the most unsure of everyone here, but he is warming up too!
Grant hopped on Annie’s back to see if she would let him ride, and she was very easy to ride.
By the time I got the camera and headed out Grant was done riding, but David was riding Annie around.
That little Zara is just so loveable!!
She followed her Mama around while David rode her.
Chad hopped on Dyna’s back, and she rode very nicely as well!
The horses are really fun to take care of!
And they are so beautiful to watch!
We are so thankful they are here!
I bet the guys will get out the saddles soon and do some real riding.
I wonder if they will get Vic to let them have a ride?
These moments are memories in the making – and good memories too!!