I literally dusted off the keyboard of my computer before I started typing this post – I would say it has been awhile!
Sorry it has been so quiet around here! Besides some chronic health stuff we have been dealing with over the last several weeks, I also managed to pass out over the weekend and hit my head.
Based on how the sound of these keys clicking sound to me, and how much I dislike any other noise right now, we are guessing I have a concussion. I know, I know.
That being said, I do not have many photos of the last week, and most of the ones I do have been on Instagram already. Apologies from me, but I am going to add them to my little scrapbook here as well!
First, and maybe most important, is that the sweetest grandbaby I have ever had is now six months old! Crazy how time will not slow down!
He is the happiest most fun baby ever! We laugh at him all day long! I cannot wait until he can talk – based on his body language, I think he will have a lot to say!
Clyde texted me to tell me good night one night. Ok, well, his Mama did it for him! His Daddy is such a photo bomber!!
Mother’s Day came and went after my mini me (Addie Mae) announced that morning that we were canceling our plans and celebrating another time. Based on that possible concussion I have and all.
I had some kiddos pile in my bed early Sunday morning to wish me a Happy Mother’s Day though!
We are officially in summer mode, even though someone forgot to tell the weather man that! It has been so gray, cold, and rainy! And cold. Oh, I already said that! There hasn’t been any school around these parts the last two weeks, except for Chad who is finishing up his work here and there.
After we finish our chores in the morning, the kids run off to play. About five minutes later, I have one precious boy who is looking for me, and not really into me being out of his sight. This Mama is 100% ok with that plan! I do, however, hope that Tate’s feeling of security will continue to grow and that it will help him sleep better at night as well.
If I don’t have something Tate can help me with, I get him a project to sit and do next to me! Geo boards for Tate, paperwork for his Mama.
He is a great lunch helper!!
Eliza likes to help too. They are such good helpers!
We have had a lot, and I mean a lot, of running to town for appointments lately. I am a home body! So are most of the kiddos! We decided to make the most of it Tuesday and make some stops for some things we needed. My husband might not say the espresso machine was needed – but I am pretty sure it was!
After that stop we went to Old Navy. (Tate calls it “Old Lady”!) Kayla had bought Eliza clothes from there for her birthday. There are two outfits that are the same but different colors, and they are the only two outfits I have right now that are not causing Eliza to struggle with her sensory challenges. Season changes are hard for my girl! I went to see if I could buy more of that same outfit in more colors.
There were these giant “gumball” machines in Old Navy that were full of bouncy balls for 25 cents. Eliza was begging me to get her one and asked if I had the coin needed. I was wondering how she knew it needed a coin, as I decided I would buy them all one and started digging for quarters in my wallet. I handed Eliza a quarter first, she put it in that machine, turned the handle and grabbed her new purple bouncy ball. And then. It was then that she just lost it. Slow, big, soft tears and the most grievous sobs I have ever heard. I could not console her! I am tearing up just typing this.
We rushed toward the check out to pay for her new outfit, apologizing to everyone along the way. As I picked her up once we were back home, she hugged me tight and said “Mommy, I want to go back to China.”
Yes. This is the reality of our world. Their grief always catches me off guard, even though I am SO AWARE of the process. It is obvious the “gumball” machine triggered a memory – did her foster Mama buy her something from a machine like that? The rest of the day she kept close to me, and kept telling me she wanted to go back to China. She came home from China to her new forever with us when she was 2 years and 4 months old. Two years old. The mind is a powerful, powerful thing.
My sweet baby did not feel well yesterday. I love to hold her SO much.
We have been enjoying stories on CD during lunch time and snack time! It is a great way to pass the time when it is so dreary outside! Even the littles love listening.
I enjoyed a busy week in the kitchen this week. Deep cleaning fridges, freezers, the pantry and spice cabinet. I also worked hard to get many things in the freezer that will bless us when the weather gets nice! It is going to get nice, right? Don’t answer that.
I also planned our summer schedule and summer school. I love planning our days so much!!
Blake was traveling earlier this week, and stopped to visit the breeder that we hope to get a new puppy from some day. He sent me this photo, and then I begged him in capital letters over text to bring that puppy home, but to no avail. We thought we would move and get settled before we got a new pup, but after much discussion and prayer this week, we decided to do it now! So that pup is going to be OURS!!!
We are trying to decide between two names – Sadie or Remi. Some friends are leaving their vote on IG – so feel free to leave your vote in the comments!!
Isn’t she a doll??!! She will be joining us on Wednesday morning!!
Kayla blessed me with some chauffeuring from appointments. Chad then had the blessing of running errands with his big sis and nephew! He wanted to wear Clyde at the grocery store to help Kayla. I just love his heart!! They had a blast, needless to say. The groceries will get eaten, but the memories will last forever!
Well, this was a very random post of life lately!! But that really is what a scrapbook if for – to document memories of life!!
Hope you all have had a terrific week!! Enjoy the weekend!! It is FRIDAY!!!!!!
What what a journey through your lives, thanks for sharing. Be still my beating heart , such a strong memory for Eliza. Hope you are feeling better my friend. Sadie is so adroable. Love and hugs.
Love and hugs to you too! 💗
I wanted to hug both of you when reading about Eliza wanting to go back. She must have been missing something, or some fond memory. Poor baby! Hugs to all of you. Please heal well and quickly. Will be praying for that. I love the puppy. My vote is “Sadie.” Love you all!
Thank you Connie for your prayers! Love you too ❤❤❤
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