It’s Dusty Around Here

Why, hello, you all!!

I dusted off the blog just now and decided to sit awhile and catch-up a bit.

Life is flying by with all kinds of crazy, crazy but very exciting things…..none of which include sitting still!

I saw my big camera somewhere, I know I did. Haven’t used it since Thanksgiving day though!

This post will be life through my phone photos!

Hunting season brought some free time while my men headed to the woods!

It brought some free time for Kayla too, so we had a shopping and lunch date!




We did not need much, but the littles did need new hats and mittens.

When you get a hat THIS cute, you wear it the rest of the day. With pink sunglasses. Of course.


The way home from our shopping day was QUIET. Ahh. We have one certain someone who talks ALL THE TIME, just saying.


There have been some superheros in this house.

Superheros have a hair style all their own.


We had lunch at David and Kay’s for David’s birthday!!


I do not have one non-blurry photo of Clyde. But blurry photo or not – he is just so irresistible!!


Little did we know that we would be moving them out of their first place the afternoon of David’s birthday lunch because of a huge mold issue.

They have been living with us here on the farm!

We have enjoyed having them here SO VERY MUCH!

Clyde is our sunshine!!


Tate scored some chocolate cereal and chocolate milk after a long doctor’s appointment one day!


We have had some snow flurries here!!


We had a tough day after Thanksgiving with our sweet baby.

We let her decompress with a “show”. Which, of course, drew a crowd!


When everyone was gone but the littles, and the littles were napping, this happened.

Maybe. Ok, really. There is photographic evidence.


Why does the end of the year turn me into a crazy lady?

I can say our home is sparkling clean because of it!

And the chest freezer has been defrosted!


With the holiday we did not have our normal grocery run, so when everyone else was not home I took the littles to do the grocery shopping!

I was rethinking this whole plan when we pulled into the parking lot of the local Co-op and they were SOUND asleep!


I promised a treat when I woke them, and they were the BEST helpers.

Sweet kiddos!!


I gave them their treat while I unloaded grocery.

That meant that I walked away.

After this cute photo and then me walking away, they crumbled up with their hands every cookie in that $4.39 box of allergen-free cookies. All over that table.

Aren’t they cute though?


When I cleaned a closet, I found a scrapbooking project I had not finished.

Spent a holiday afternoon working on that – it was a great creative outlet for me!!


I have others that like to be creative too!


The landscape has changed in our neck of the woods!!

Winter is here!



If you follow on Instagram, you may know about our newest member of this crazy crew!

Meet Jax.

Jax is five months old.


Yes, we are crazy.

Yes, we did just have a flea epidemic.

And a lab puppy who needed IV’s.

I told you we were crazy!

But there is no fun in being normal!

And we simply LOVE, love, love this puppy!




We had fun deciding his name! And had to sleep on it before we chose! Jax suits him so well!


I am not sure he liked his first bath.


He has settled in to our family PERFECTLY.

What a gem!

With the best personality!





We dedicated Lane, Tate and Eliza at church this Sunday!

It is a simple ceremony to show an outward expression of our desire to raise our children in the nuture and admonition of the Lord!

Now all of our children have been dedicated!


Yesterday and today are moving day for David and Kayla!

They found a new place to rent in Cashton – which – to my dismay – is 25 minutes from the farm.

BUT – it is perfect for them! And we are SO excited that they will be bringing their sweet foster baby home very, very soon!

I helped Kayla yesterday clean their new place and put all the kitchen stuff away.


Today, I am in charge of everybody under 12 years old and all things with four legs.

I think I got the BEST job!

Ok, nuff of this sitting still stuff!

I have all littles napping and middles running the big dogs!

It is lightly snowing outside!

And I also have a new recipe for a peppermint mocha calling my name!!

Hope you all are having a GREAT week!!


  1. Rachael says:

    Yum. Peppermint Mocha. Can I please have the recipe?! And would it also happen to be DF and SF? This girl had to go off of a bunch of things and so coffee is out because coffee without cream is a no go. And when coconut is one of those things too…it just gets worse:( Anyways, rambling here:) Tell Addie I’m making the Korean Chop Chae for dinner tonight!!! She sent me the recipe awhile back:)

    • Steph says:

      I know how hard the beginning of an elimination diet is! Been there. This is made with coconut creamer, so it looks like that won’t be ok? Oooh, Chop Chae!! That’s a favorite. We make it for Grant’s day every year!

  2. Rachael says:

    Ah,I know that you about this! Oh well. Yes, coconut is out for right now! 🙁 I may add in a tiny bit of real cream, just to see if it goes well, because I’ve been missing my coffee! I had raw milk keifer yesterday(a small cupful in my smoothie) and it didn’t seem to bother me so we shall see! I’ve been off of *everything* since the middle of November, so about 4 weeks now. 🙂
    And yes! the Chop Chae was amazing! we loved it-a make again dinner for sure!

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