It is funny how even looking at our own photos can spur me on.
In a “I should do that again!” kind of way!
Of course July holds a lot of summer memories!
Swimming is ALWAYS better when a big sister or a big brother is home and swims with their younger siblings!
We did swim lessons in July.
It was fantastic!
We had a sweet friend come to our home and teach Tate, Eliza and our neighbors two children.
It was perfect!
When the weather cooperated!
Gardening has been a family project – thankful for my crew and their help!
We have had quite the bounty from our little garden space!
We ate in July.
Lots of eating going on here!
They still love to eat!
Which meant grocery shopping and lots of good food!!
It sure is nice when they help us grocery shop.
It makes the two carts full easier to push!
I enjoy the kitchen with my helpers!
Lane likes to help too, I just don’t have a photo of him!
I wonder what I will do when the day comes that I do not need a case of bananas at a time?
Or 48 waffles made every Saturday to last through the week?
I am not looking forward to those days!
I am enjoying our lower level family room more these days.
It helps that we have new comfortable furniture!
I have been adding some touches to that room, using a gift card I received for Mother’s Day!
I am hopeful my builders will build the wall of built in shelves down there this winter.
Hand therapy was still happening in July and is still happening now.
I am making progress!
Healing has been super slow, but I am thankful for how much I can do with my hand now!
We had so many days of hazy, thick air in our area from the fires in Canada.
It was a great reminder to pray for those where the fires were.
We had some storms in our area, and also some very heavy rain and flooding.
On this morning we headed to the basement after my hubby texted me and said “get to the basement!”
It was the strangest color outside and the wind was fierce!
Saturdays are our mowing day when the weather cooperates.
Lane has been such a diligent mower!
We have two push mowers to mow this huge yard, and it takes some time to push mow it all.
The older boys are home on Saturdays and help Lane out!
One Saturday after the kiddos’s work was done, Blake handed them our old walkie talkies with new batteries in them.
They had such a fun day with those things!
Tate was standing here talking to Lane who was outside and half way up a tree, ha, ha!
We always love watching the hay come down.
Won’t be long now and the corn will come down!
July brought another wedding!!
We have had so many weddings this summer and it has been fun!
Of course there is date night.
I love date night.
I think you all know that already though!
We don’t have a date every week these days, but we do as often as we can.
I bought an adorable Asian boy this card game on Amazon.
With hopes that it would be a fun way to help him memorize his times tables, of course!
He is getting them down!
July was really just all about days with my trio.
I love the dynamics of days with my trio!!
They are a fun, enthusiastic bunch of kiddos!
It’s hard to believe summer is almost over!
How is that possible?
July was a good month for us here at Twin Oaks.
How about for you all?
Was your summer good?
I sure hope so!!
I love the start of each brand new day – another chance – another blessed day given to us by God!!
Time is a GIFT!!
Hope you all are enjoying that gift too!!!
Happy Birthday!
Thank you, Debbie!!!
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