June Stuff

June was full and wonderful as you have already seen by some of the June posts!

We started the month with a fantastic get together at Grant and Kamryn’s house to watch them open their wedding gifts!

I thought my heart would explode I was so excited to be there!!

We had a lovely brunch and then the newlyweds started the big job of gift opening!

I spend a lot of time with our trio here.

We enjoy our days SO much!!

I kind of feel like we have raised two families because of the large age gap in our children’s ages!

God’s PERFECT plan and I wouldn’t change it for a second – it has been so good!

Just look at them.

They fill my days with such intention, purpose, and JOY!

We went and visited River Salem on his seventh birthday!

We had already celebrated him back on Memorial Day weekend, remember?

But he is worth celebrating!!!

He was playing with his new battleship game so we all got in on the fun!

Please take note of Jack Jack in that last photo and how big he was already getting!

I saw these at the grocery store back in June and was like “WHAT??!!”

You know your diet is super sad if you are excited that they made the only chips you eat now in a wavy kind, ha, ha!

But you really need to get yourself some of these.

Trust me!

And dip them in guacamole.

Eliza decided to write a family newspaper back in June, and has diligently done so every week since!

It comes out on Wednesday morning at breakfast.

Goodness, I sure hope the Lord uses Eliza’s love of words and writing in her future!!

This is super cute, you all.

Try to read them through the photos!!

This is the day that we picked up Addie’s wedding dress from the seamstress who was altering it!!

We might have been a bit excited, hence the photo!!

And this day was sponsored by iced coffee and a cute new top.

Anyone else loving all the dresses, skirts and feminine tops you can find so easily right now?

Me too!

Kayla and I are still enjoying our monthly grocery shopping at Costco!

This new way of doing things is really working for both of us – it took a minute for one old lady to figure it all out!

It’s fun to go with Kayla to a big city because she knows where all the fun stops are!

We enjoyed Chipotle before our shopping this day.

They have the BEST lemonade!

I was having a health flare this summer, and when I look at this photo of Kay and I, it makes me realize how much I was struggling with my health before I figured out something was up!

Grateful to be mostly on the other side of that now – the Lord is so good to me.

Kayla and I started ordering our big items from Costco to be delivered to our home because we are only two people and are already trying to push two carts each!

This new addition to our bulk shopping has really perfected it.

After our Costco run that day, we also had our Azure pick up that evening.

It was the first time my hubby got to experience that and I took a photo of the pick up sight!

Back during strawberry season I would make homemade dairy free ice cream a lot so we could eat strawberries!

I heard about this ice cream storage container and immediately got one.

It keeps the coconut ice cream from freezing so hard that you have to let it sit out half of a day before you can scoop it!

I love that thing!

Scoopable ice cream straight from the freezer!

Does anyone else run their ice cream maker in the bathroom because it is so loud??

We had LOTS of celebrations this summer!

Lots of showers and weddings!

Here I was ready for a Saturday morning shower to celebrate the sweetest friends!!

We also got to help Addie celebrate Scottie’s birthday!

Scottie’s first trip to Wisconsin was a few weeks after his birthday last year, so this was his first one we could celebrate with him in person!

Some photos of our fluffy pup Ruby, especially because she does not live here anymore.

We love you RuRu and are super glad you get to visit us so often when Addie works!

Did I ever mention what a rainy start we had to summer?

It was crazy!

But our front landscape LOVED it!

Just look how pretty everything was this year!

We had some beautiful skies, even with all of that rain.

I hope I never lose my love of the sky.

It just is so incredibly beautiful and awe inspiring!

Well, that wraps up June, which means July is next and that means A WEDDING!!!!

July was PACKED, so hang on tight!!!

Until then…..