We do!!
Kayla has been making her own kombucha for a long time now.
She had an extra scoby (the starter) and so I decided to start making some too!
Kombucha is basically brewed black tea and sugar added to the scoby and left in a warm spot to ferment.
After that first time fermenting, you move the kombucha to tightly sealed glass bottles, and add flavor to them, before putting them in a dark cool spot for a second fermentation time.
We had started making kombucha one other time a couple of years ago, but did not keep up with it for very long.
This time I ordered the glass jars I needed (that have a good tight seal on them), and also ordered organic decaf tea bags because I wanted our kombucha to be decaf.
I have been enjoying the process of keeping our kombucha flowing!
Blake has been a huge helper in the process too even though he does not drink the kombucha.
Thanks, honey!
Of course any time I am doing something in the kitchen, Tate is right at my side!
He helps me pick the flavors to try and fills the bottles with those flavors for there second brew.
The first one we tried was ginger/lime. It is a favorite!
We have also made cranberry and peach/pineapple.
Also favorites!
These jars are full of kombucha ready to go in the fridge to be enjoyed!
Tate also helps brew the tea and dissolve the sugar in the brewed tea for the first brew, which brews on top of our fridge in gallon jars.
We have started a second gallon to keep up with everyone who is wanting to have a glass of kombucha daily!
Tate and Eliza like kombucha, but Addie, Chad and I love it!
We are the only ones drinking it, because the other guys don’t like it at all.
Kombucha is good for your gut!
I can tell a huge difference as I drink it – I think all those good pro-biotics are helping me a lot.
It is also fun to have something creative to work on in the kitchen!
Do you think you would like kombucha?
It is bubbly, refreshing, and delicious!!
Give it a try sometime!!
I would recommend looking up the orawellness article about kombucha- it’s very hard on your teeth because it is acidic.
Thank you for that recommendation, Lydia!
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