Now they are the way I count blessings!!
Little helpers making school more fun. Blessed!
The first watermelon of the season! Eliza calls it “water bottle”. We ate it at David and Kayla’s! Blessed!!
A new find one day when I was out and about and starving. A chia pudding pod. It was so yummy! And it blessed me to have a new treat!! Blessed!!
Riding along to get feed with the boys. They are a blast. Blessed!
The joy of filling these kiddos bellies with good, nourishing food. Especially the hard working boys. Blessed!
Rainy nights. Praise Jesus for the rain! Blessed!
A little miss who can smell chocolate from across the farm. Sharing sweets is the best! Blessed!
Spending the afternoon at the library and then at the park with Kayla. Such sweet times of life! Blessed!!
Doctors to care for Eliza. What an amazing team we have. So blessed!
For how much fun these kiddos are. I have the best job in the world!! Blessed!
For summer date night treats. Blessed!
The world colored green. I just had to pull over and get a photo as I headed down the ridge, even though the skies were gray and cloudy. Gorgeous green! Blessed!
Lane’s heart. He is so amazing with his little sister. So blessed!
Getting to spend two hours a week here for the last 16 months. Eliza says “Mom, go work your muscles?” Healing has been an awesome journey! Blessed, blessed, blessed!
Bath time. Eliza’s favorite time of the day! Blessed!
Learning. Eliza has learned SO much in nine months. Could not be more blessed!
What joy for my heart to look at all these blessings!!!
Thank you, Lord, for this amazing thing called life!!