Looking Back on April!

Not only are we doing a lot of celebrating in our own family, we know A LOT of others that are in this wedding season as well!

We have been to showers and weddings and have several more of both on the calendar!

It is SO very exciting to celebrate these exciting times with our friends!

The Saturday morning right after we had arrived home from Florida, Addie and Scottie asked if I would like to go thrifting with them to find some furniture pieces they needed for their new place.

Of course I said yes!!

I ended up texting Blake asking if it was ok to bring home hutch for our kitchen!

We are always in dire need of storage space – especially in our very busy kitchen!

I got the ok and came home with a new hutch that day.

Stay tuned to see how it turned out after we fixed it up a bit!

We had orthodontist evaluations for Tate and Eliza early in April, and some crazy lady made their appointments for 8 a.m. forty-five minutes away from home.

The lady in charge of our calendar needs to be fired, just saying!

Thankfully we made a day of it, and took some children who grow in their sleep every night clothes shopping so they would actually have things that fit them to wear!

It ended up being a very fun morning!

Don’t be fooled by that iced coffee in my hand – I took two sips and threw it away – so glad I did.

I could tell it wasn’t going to do my health any good!

I also sent Lane back into a store when Kayla messaged me and asked for us to grab a pair of sandals for one of the girls, and he arrived back to the van in record time with exactly what I had asked for – sweet boy!!

Addie ordered wedding dresses on-line to try on at home (genius, by the way!!) – so we took this photo to remember our little try on party and the fact that Addie had found her dress!!!

Our family Sundays are always my FAVORITE!!

Lately other things have been taking up our Sundays – but we always have the family over after church when it works out!


Sometimes we get together at David and Kay’s too!

Do you see Kay’s new puppy??

That huge puppy??

His name is Jack!!

Saige calls him “Jack Jack”!

Saigey Grace started walking in April!!

She is the cutest thing ever!!

Kay and I are still doing our monthly bulk shopping!

We died laughing when Kayla sent home a text and got a photo in return!!

I stole some boys one Friday afternoon to stay the night!

It was super fun and I am hoping when things settle down we will be doing a lot of that again.

Things are going to settle down, aren’t they?

Don’t answer that.

We had our last Women to Women gathering at church – we take a break for the summer months and start back up in the fall.

I love helping with this!

Setting up and decorating is really fun!

I visited Addie Mae at work one day and we picked out flowers for the front porch!

Addie does such a wonderful job with our porch, patio, and indoor plants – I need to learn this skill and learn it fast!!

I don’t have much hope for my plants once Addie gets married, ha, ha!

We have had lots of planning, dress fittings, zoom calls, and wedding projects going on here.

It has been super fun!

I do have one photo of Eliza at a dress fitting for Grant and Kamryn’s wedding – her dress turned out beautiful!

I also did a huge photo project for a video slide show for Grant and Kamryn’s wedding – and it took me down memory lane!!

We were blessed to fill our freezer back up!!

Thankful for farmers who do the hard thing and offer healthy meat options!!

Scottie’s Mom and sisters visited for a few days at the end of April!

It was wonderful to see them and spend time with them!!!

We cannot wait until they are here again in just a few weeks!!

All of our animals are doing great and we are enjoying them very much!!

Addie and Scottie will be taking Ruby with them, which of course is NOT ok with all of us here, but obviously the right thing!

We are talking about getting Eliza a puppy – time will tell!

We kept our bird restaurant open this spring.

Usually we take it down sometime in April.

But we had husband and wife cardinals visiting it several times daily!

The male would feed the female, and they were just beautiful to watch.

We knew they had a nest somewhere – and sure enough we saw their babies visiting the feeder eventually!

So much normal life lived along side all of the things of this busy season.

These are my favorite kind of photos!

I will let the photos tell their story!

So many great memories we make here.

Ok, now for the FOOD!!!

If you are not here for the food, scroll on past!!

I hope these photos inspire you, though, the way they inspire me when I look back on them!

I seriously went to this little ole blog of ours recently to get some food ideas!!

Clearly we do not like to eat, ha, ha!!

Nor do I love to be in my kitchen, ha, ha!!

I am thankful for my love of cooking and baking….and EATING!

I read this quote this week: “The student becomes like his teacher” – so hopefully all of this good cooking and healthy eating will rub off on my children!

It really is me here after all this time.

I will add my signature to this post just so you know!

April feels like YEARS ago!

We are really almost through June.

Addie and Scottie’s wedding is a mere three weeks away!

It has gone SO FAST.

Makes me super thankful to have this space here to keep our memories like I used to in those scrapbooks all those years ago.

May held one of the VERY BEST days of our lives and I cannot wait to relive it here in this space!!

Stay tuned!!!

Until then….