I know your prayers were not in vain!!
Because they were for Tate’s sake.
And now for the rest of the story….
The story started in January or February of 2014 when I woke up over and over and over one night and every time I looked at the clock it said 13 past the hour. Finally after many times, I just said “What, Lord? What is it??!!” And I heard an audible voice “May 13th, Stephanie, May 13th.”
I told Blake and the children the next morning right away, and even e-mailed an adoptive Mama friend and told her just so I would have accountability. May 13th was brought to me over and over during my quiet times in the morning and I prayed and prayed.
May 13th came and went last year and nothing happened – that I know about anyway. Blake and I said that day “Maybe one of our future children will be born on May 13th,” and just praised God for all the prayers that were said about that day. We have no idea what impact they could have had.
It was then forgotten. Until Tuesday, when during my quiet time the Lord brought it to me again!!! NO WAY.
Yesterday I reached out to some prayer warriors. And began a day of prayer – just believing with all my heart that May 13th would be the day we would be moving forward in our process for Tate, receiving that precious LOA that will send the process racing forward.
So I emailed our caseworker in the morning to ask the status of our Dossier and she said she was just emailing me when she got mine! She did not know the status of our Dossier, but they had received other LOA’s that morning.
Then she emailed back later and said she found out that we were MATCH REVIEWED!!!!
That is VERY good news!! LOA is not far behind!! I had already shared my testimony with her and she also believes LOA will come very quickly now. We are hoping we will hear something TODAY!!!!
LOA will send this household into a flurry of paperwork, gathering and making piles of what will be needed for travel, and travel planning!
BRING IT ON. We are more than ready!!!!
We love you Tate Owen!!! We love you so very much.
Please keep praying with us!!!
We are praying for you all, and that you will receive your LOA soon!
I love how God works! Praying for all to happen in the right timing and that Tate is home SOONer rather than later.
Praying, praying, praying! I have tears in my eyes about to run down my cheeks. Lord, please bring Tate home very soon!
Keeping your family in our prayers!
The Mayo Family
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